• waluigiblunts [he/him]
      5 months ago

      is this satire

      idk this pulls out all the tropes, i genuinely can't tell if this is satire or serious

      • laws of physics (I FUCKING HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU DIE)
      • elite rich cyclists
      • get off the road
      • i paid tax money for this road
      • i hate the runners too

      In defense of the "elite rich bikers" who "spent $10k" (did they? or did they just spend $1k on an imitation) on sports gear (ignoring the real elite who spend $400k on gt3 rs to occasionally drive on sundays), when else are they going to bike if not at dawn? At rush hour? It's not like they dont have jobs lol.

      Also why are the runners bourgeois? They're literally just running. On their feet. Is that bourgeois now?

      I don't know what path or what road you're talking about, but that path is probably better without racers zooming around at 30mph. Plus, they paid taxes for that road too. Please don't think that your gas tax comes anywhere close to covering the cost of the roads, the whole of society has to suffer to subsidize the car addiction of urban planners.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Bougie bicyclists certainly exist and a few have given me looks when I would use the same bike paths to get to my old dishwashing job.

        • waluigiblunts [he/him]
          5 months ago

          I'm just arguing against the notion that everyone who bikes for sport is bourgeois. People like to show examples of top-tier racebikes costing $10k to say that bikers are bourgeois, when most people are riding around $1k imitations that look similar but are way cheaper.

        • waluigiblunts [he/him]
          5 months ago

          100 years ago, no mode of transportation dominated the roads. Pedestrians, trams, bicycles, cars, and animals all shared the road together. It's only a recent development that all the roads in the country have become dominated by the products of the automotive industry. This is not going to last that much longer. The roads will eventually return to being shared between different modes of transportation, with no individual mode dominating the road.

          You are not entitled to the road because you purchased the deadly, inefficient, expensive, and environmentally destructive product of the automotive industry. You live in a city, and that means that people are going to get in your way, whether they're in a car, on foot, or on a bike. You're just going to have to live with that.

            • waluigiblunts [he/him]
              5 months ago

              bicycle: most proletarian mode of transportation, Maoist China approved, the poorest people in the world all ride bicycles

              car: literally created by the bourgeois industry, most people in the world can't even afford one, environmentally destructive and selfish, considered "proletarian" by global north labor aristocrats eating the blood of brown children, car drivers always fantasizing about murdering others

        • TestUserPleaseIgnore [he/him]
          5 months ago

          Or the "jogger" at the bottom of the hill running opposite of traffic in the middle of a lane wth opposite traffic oncoming on 55 and 1.5 seconds for me to slam on the breaks and sound the horn to get off the road because physics won't allow my car to stop even though I am following the rules

          being aware that at pre dawn morning work hours they aren't visible on a 55mph hill side

          Is "assured clear distance ahead" not a rule where you are?

            • waluigiblunts [he/him]
              5 months ago

              Why dont you drive slower if you're going to crest a hill and have no visibility lol, or is the maximum speed the minimum speed to you

            • TestUserPleaseIgnore [he/him]
              5 months ago

              No. Which is why I'm required to slow down. In case there's something on the other side. Which I can't see. And I need to be able to stop without hitting it.

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      5 months ago

      5 bougie fucks being annoying in one particular situation does not justify this bullshit:

      You aren't a car, darwin frowns upon you.

      you are literally doing the carbrain thing from the meme here, and the vast majority of bikers on the road and cars crashing into them is a direct result of not having safe or useful paths, lanes, shoulders, anything, and car maximalism like yours.

      I see people vaguely like the stereotype you describe maybe every couple months, even in an area where I'm surrounded by bikes. And they're essentially always a minor annoyance at worst. For the other 99.9% of people on bikes, the only reason they wouldn't be using a path is if it's severely compromised in some way or does not exist or go where they need to go. Nobody wants to be in the street with cars for no reason, you just don't know the reason and are imagining it's pure malice/elitism. I'm sure some fucking rich exurb in california has legit problems like the one you describe but it's not representative of anyone else's experience of cycling in america

  • REgon [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Now do one for me where I'm on a bike looking at a tourist on a rented E-bike. It should be legal to strike them with sticks.

    • trashxeos@lemmygrad.ml
      5 months ago

      What about people who ride an ebike because they're too out of shape for hills on their commute but want to be more active and get healthier?

      • REgon [they/them]
        5 months ago

        That's completely fine. Nothing wrong with e-bikes, it's the tourists mainly

  • trashxeos@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    I literally just had something like this happen on my commute today. I was riding the edge of a turn lane so I'd be in the right position to safely turn when the light turned green. This prevented some huge Chevy truck from getting to the back of the line of cars waiting to turn by a fraction of a second so they honked at me until I was clear of them. 🤣 Cope

      • trashxeos@lemmygrad.ml
        5 months ago

        It's alright, I wasn't harmed and had a nice giggle. I even smiled and waved when they floored it past me a few moments later after the light changed and I finished my turn.