Usually I can manage to decipher these BMF-esk posts but this one got me.
I'm high as shit right now and I understand everything except the Clausewitz thing
Okay I think I get it now. So this guy is a Federalist BMF.
That sounds like something I would do as a bit.
Yo I feel you. I am zooted and came to be like 'this scanned for me.'
I also managed to somehow unlock the memory of the night I ended up in the ER because of a gallstone and ended up projectile vomiting after they gave me Dilaudid
Cursed Georgist Black Mold Futures. Sorry you had to take that bummer outta the vault.
Easy: cottage-core solarpunk homesteads fantasies are reactionary cuz greenwashed suburbs and all the evil they produce
Hamiltonian patriots is a jab at western leftists meaning they will never ever under no circumstances not be extremely jingoistic and liberals. The fact that the person being called hitlerite and about to be brutalized by a "revolutionary" state, is "of color" makes the jab particularly good
I hate solarpunk so much. It's such a childish reading of what the future should look like.
I'm pretty sure it means Black Mold Futures, who was a poster here. I wasn't here for any of their posts, but from the references I've seen, they posted near indecipherable, highly specific rants.