

My favourite is "Reino Hundido". UK in Spanish is "Reino Unido", the word "Hundido" meaning "sunken". Some more translations in the comments

  • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Some translations:

    -Argentinos escuchando esto: música para mis oídos

    +Argentinians listening to this: music to my ears [idiom used to refer to good news]

    -Estaba triste por los piratas pero recordé que son ingleses y se me pasó

    +I was feeling sad for the pirates [slang that I think Argentinians use against English], then I remembered they're English and it's gone

    -Ahora lo llamaremos Reino Hundido

    +Now we'll call it Reino Hundido [Sunken Kingdom instead of United Kingdom, Reino Unido. Never gonna call it by other name again]

    -Cuando te dedicas a vivir de tu verdadero trabajo y no de la piratería se ve la realidad

    +When you live off your real job and not piracy [as in British Empire being a ransacking nation], you start to see the reality

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    5 months ago

    My favorite part about Britain's economy right now continues to be a manchild toy company is out performing a bunch of businesses they were trying to save with Brexit. A lot of those businesses are actually worse off than they were before Brexit because it turns out there's more to be gained with open borders.