God fucking damnit I hate these people

I'm mainly posting this to vent,and I would recommend that you don't watch that video unless you want a lethal dose of NATO bootlicking beamed straight into your frontal cortex

But holy mother of god are these people making my blood boil

The constant trashing of our past,the disgustingly pathetic way they praise the more "westernized" and "Nordic" countries in here,the fucking EU bootlicking, cheering on the slaughter of Ukraine and Pooh Poohing Russia as if it's the main villain,it drives me nuts! This mf slave to the west is a Georgian,so he is especially obnoxious, considering his country was the proto-Ukraine and he has a chip on his shoulder about that. My god,I don't wanna sound insensitive or racist,but I just have to ask,is this how POC feel when they see other POC going to bat for the democrats? I truly don't mean to equate our struggle with theirs,but god damn,I feel like these people are so mentally colonized that they can't see a future where they aren't at the beck and call of the West. And it's like,YOU SHOULD FUCKING KNOW BETTER,YOU FUCK,YOU LIVED HERE!YOU SAW WHAT SHOCK THERAPY DID TO US,HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CONTINUE TO SING THE PRAISES OF THE EU AND NATO?

I'm sorry if this post doesn't fit the comm,but god fucking damnit are these people insufferable,him and that Living Ironically fuck, constantly shitting on communism but praising the public transport (WHICH THE COMMIES BUILT!) and other tomfuckery. The one video that really made me lose my shit was when the Living guy (serbo-hungarian) shat on the legacy of Tito and Yugoslavia as a whole, that one was a bridge too far for me. Shit on Ceausescu,fine,he was no great angel,USSR hate I'm used to,but you,as a serb,who was born in Serbia,to shit on the most impressive success story of the balkans and trash the amazing progress that was done then just because you didn't have the treats of today and the ability to desert your country and flee to the busom of empire fucking makes me not only ashamed,but impossibly angry.

This part of the globe is nothing special,we aren't the center of it,and we are not free from the worst exceses of the West either,we practically keep the Roma population as an underclass and we gladly killed off our Jewish population and collaborated with the Hun(not Gary,but the sauerkraut eating one), not to mention the appalling misogyny and anti LGBTQ sentiment that practically permeates the air around here,but god damn,can't we look for a way to address these issues and fix them without getting dogwalked by the West? FOR FUCKS SAKE,SOME PROGRESS WAS DONE UNDER SOCIALISM EVEN,AND WE JUST TOSSED IT OUT! But no, fuck that, let's keep doing the funny stealing and ethnic cleansing jokes while gargling on the western boot! No pride whatever about the accomplishments we actually had,no desire to actually see the place get better beyond le corruption bad lol,no vision for the future.

I'm sorry this became a rant,but I needed a place to unload. If there's a better comm to post this in,I'd be glad to delete the post. And I'm glad to delete it if my comparison to the struggle of POC in America is in poor taste.

  • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
    4 months ago

    It's like that all over the place... Indonesians dumping the US after literally being a colony, Spaniards being proud of the Spanish empire and now simping for NATO despite being tricked by the government into joining... It's sad but US propaganda is fucking effective.

  • MelianPretext [they/them]
    4 months ago

    It's intentional and this is the collective neurosis that the West's victor's justice deliberately has strived to impose onto the peoples of European formerly existing socialism as punishment for having once made the choice of socialism. Because it is quite telling that this is something that only really occurs in the former socialist states. It's something I've also thought about for quite some time and I've written some thoughts about it before:

    The aim is to ensure that only the history of the west is worth being proud of. In the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the educational curriculum drills in the historical shame of the socialist half-century, ensuring that the people will always feel wretched about their socialist past while the west still gets to parade around Cold War war criminal Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors as their heroes "with flaws." The end result is that the past of former socialist states today is a blank nihilistic void with nothing of dignity to draw upon except going back centuries to fawn over inbred royalty or those Nazi-collaborationist freaks who terrorized their forefathers for their choice of socialism or just outright Westanbetung - "West worship."

    In the former DDR, it's no surprise that the choice has become the far-right AfD. In this societal self-flagellation where the "Stasi" past is denounced, there's not even some "post-Nazism redemption story" to grasp, like the fiction which the BRD parades around, because the socialist past is consigned to oblivion, equated almost on par with Hitler-fascism. Consequently, the only source of historical self-worth for many then can only inevitably come from LARPing as generic white people and importing American far-right and neo-Nazism as mimicry, vicariously associating with "Europe" and "the West" for that sense of post-socialist Europe pride that comes from being patted on the shoulder as being "semi-white" and "semi-European," which has become the principal aspiration for those people.

    In the last months of the DDR, the BRD's wannabe Reagan-in-lederhosen Kohl once shouted during a CDU election rally: "Nie wieder Sozialismus" - "Never again socialism." In retrospect, it was not just some campaign slogan, but a promise for each and every person who onced lived on the lands where actual socialism in Europe once existed. Every waking day since capitalist restoration, they've sought to fulfill that promise chiefly through the suppression of the memory that once upon a time, European soil - which has now become the bedrock for renewed fascism and white supremacist lackey-ism towards the US - on that soil, socialism once stood.

    There was once an alternative for Europe beyond the pathetic vicarious imperialist nostalgia of every successive generation spending their entire time just endless fantasizing about having once enslaved the rest of the planet and turning its guns against our own species. That choice was the actually existing existence of (actual) European socialism.

    For the DDR, when the real "alternative for Germany"—which will always be socialism—is pushed out of collective memory and condemned, it creates an inevitable spiral towards fascism. When people are deeply dissatisfied yet led to believe that a genuine leftward shift isn’t just unlikely but unimaginable—thanks to the forced forgetting of Germany’s socialist history and the DDR—they don’t realize that there are actually two paths. Instead, they can only see the right path, making it seem like their only option is to move right. In truth, it's no wonder they start leaning toward fascism in the form of the AfD. This phenomenon was evident in the past with the suppression of the KPD during Hitler-fascism, and it has reemerged once again today.

    When you humiliate and degrade the "Ossi" by portraying them as a people without dignity and claiming their history is entirely one of shame and repression, it inevitably fosters a kind of collective neurosis. If the DDR is dismissed as irrelevant, then the values of human dignity, fraternity, and internationalism that it promoted are also erased from memory. This induced disconnect is the real source of both the rise of "far-right East Germany" today and the plain outright servility towards the West that characterizes formerly socialist Europe today.

    If your own contemporary history has nothing of "value" then it's obvious that the best you can do is to worm yourself into vicariously associating with the West, ingratiating yourself in the club by volunteering to debase your own culture and history on their behalf, and hoping this association with the West rubs off on you by having the definitions of the West "extend" to your former East, like all those Slovenes, Croats, Poles and whatnot who spend their entire day giving geography lessons on how "they're actually Western/Central Europe."

    • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      Beautifully put

      I believe this goes even further in the case of Balkan and Southern Eastern European nations,you can see my comment in reply to commrade Redcuban1959 (I don't know how to link it)

  • The_Filthy_Commie@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    As a Latinamerican from the Caribbean, even though I wouldn't pass for a POC because I look like a pasty ass motherfucker, I don't see a problem with comparing the plight of Eastern Europe with us, because Eastern Europe has been like an internal colony for Western Europe historically, you have undergone the same shock therapy that we got through Pinochet and other dictators imposed by the US, and I think it is vital that we see how similar our histories are, because we have a lot in common. This is why I always stress that Latinamerica, Africa and Asia are family. We tend to forget that Eastern Europe has also been terrorized by the same forces of Western imperialism, but the similarities are there, in the life altering effects of neoliberalism.

    On the topic of gusanos, I feel the same when I see a Latinamerican being a westoid, or bending the knee to empire. It is disgusting, and I almost went into the exact same rant you did yesterday when I saw those videos of Trump at Univisión Noticias, because I know how those people in Miami think of their own, and seeing them nod along to someone like Trump, a Republican to boot, sends me. I feel the same fucking way whenever I see an Afrodescendant or LGBTQ+ person supporting empire, like that Ritchie Torres being a zionist. It offends me to a severe degree. That is not our path, our path was paved by the sword of Bolívar, and the sun is setting on the West, this is not the wagon we should hitch, but the wagon we should ditch, to rot as it deserves. I'm gonna stop cause that rant is coming back to me. I get ya, comrade, Hahaha.

    • Redcuban1959 [any]
      4 months ago

      True, and there was also the fact the US never really stopped interfering in our politics. Remember what they did to Honduras (and are attempting to do again)? Manuel Zelaya was elected as a Neoliberal Conservative but he changed his politics to Progressive Social Democrat while he was president during the 2000's. The US under Obama and Hillary, supported a coup against him and kicked his family out of Honduras for an exile in Brazil and Rep. Dom. Now that his wife is president again, this time they are Democratic Socialists, the US are attempting to bankrupt the country and promote a military coup just like how the did in 2009 (which led to multiple corrupt goverments during the 2010's).

      The worst type of Gusanos are the pro-Kamala/Democratic ones. They support lgbtq+ rights and all these social justice stuff but ONLY for the US, because when it comes to the countries that they or their family came from, they support the worst people possible. Many Venezuelans in the US say they support Kamala because she will stop Trump, promote social justice and LGBTQ+ rights, but when you ask them about Venezuela, they will go into a full racist rant about how they hate Afro-Venezuelan culture, that they hate María Lionza (Goddess/Saint of nature, love, peace and harmony), and how they support Maria Corina Machado, who is Pro-Israel, hates lgbtq+ people and hates arabs and muslims. At least Maduro is one to admit that PSUV and Chavez was wrong in ignoring the LGBTQ+phobia inside the party and in Venezuelan society, and he pretty much is personally in favor of Same-Sex Marriage (which was going to be included on the new constitution, that would led to reforms, which Juan Guaido helped to destroy when he decided to self-declare himself president).

    • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      Thanks for the reply,I appreciate that this isn't something contained to one area

      I guess the reason I put that disclaimer there is because we can become convenient whites much easier than people from Latinoamerica can,and that our gusanos are much more widespread because Russia was a historic threat that can always be used to bolster chauvinism and bootlicker behavior to the west

      • The_Filthy_Commie@lemmygrad.ml
        4 months ago

        Yeah, over here they use Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua as the ''bad countries'' to promote that same bootlicker behavior. You made a good point on the ''convenient white'' concept, it's true. Here they do the same, like you can be ''one of the good ones'', and ''relatively civilized, relatively european'' when you're say, Milei or those assclowns from Paraguay and Uruguay that are so insignificant I don't know their names nor care to. Same happens with Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic where their political class is completely irrelevant.

        I'd add my own country, Puerto Rico to that list as well. We're precisely one of those ''convenient whites'' you so astutely mentioned, an example to dangle like keys to our kin, like:''Look at how well PR is thanks to being a part of the US''. This is why you don't see people shitting on PR, because we have good public relations thanks to US hegemony and gusanos see us as a dream come true. Honestly, if we think logically to the conclusion of what reactionaries want, their aim would be to ''Puertorricanize'' their countries. We're a model for them, even if they won't come out and say so. Imagine what a dream it would be to be born with US citizenship slapped on your ass, and be able to go to Disneyland and feel that you're not only ''one of the good ones'', but that you're an American. That is the aspiration of all gusanery.

        • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
          4 months ago

          Well,my hope is that all nations of the world will find liberation,and that doubly goes for nations who experience more than the usual yoke of neocolonialism,but instead are direct colonies, directly under the boot of the empire,like Puerto Rico. May the future bring your people freedom,peace and a better life,where you will be able to breathe freely in a land of your own.

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    4 months ago

    I have noticed this for sometime now, it seems there are some people from Eastern Europe that love to post videos/posts/memes where they promote unironically the same fucking steriotypes the US and Western Europe gives to Eastern Europe (The usual garbage that it's all dirty, poor, broken and cold, people there are racist/xenophobic, all of this because they were part of Axis and then communists, but now that they have "democracy™" they should have been prosperous, but they are too "dumb" to prosper so they depend on the "Good" Europeans such as Germany and France for money and aid).

    The worst thing is that Eastern Europe and all of the Soviet countries used to be much better than what they were now. They used the be called the Second World (Part of the Communist/Socialist Bloc), even the US media didn't portray these countries as poor, mostly they were seen as "victims" of Soviet influence or whatever. With exception of Albania, who due to not having good relations with the US, USSR and China, was treated the same way the DPRK (North Korea) was treated during the 1990's - 2010's, specially because it's a muslim majority country, they were seen as the hermit kingdom of Europe.

    Not to say Eastern Europeans can't laugh and make jokes about their own culture and country, we Latinos do that a lot, but theres a difference in just saying something or being critical of local politics, and being self-hating and considering yourself inferior to Westerns, when 80% of the problems in the Global South and Eastern Europe are the fault of the US and Western Europe intefering in these countries politics and economies. They literally supported people Yeltsin (During the late 1990's literally everyone in Russia hated him, with exception of his rich friends and westerns. The US literally aided Yeltsin during the 1993 coup and the 1996 election, both cases where the Anti-Yeltsin communists, or even liberals, were going to win fairly), Lech Wałęsa, Viktor Orban. Hell, even Putin was supported by the US until the 2010's.

    • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      Interesting point you made on joking about local politics

      See,here this is like a national past time,and it frequently devolves into what you said. You may ask why that is. My theory is that this culture was more or less created during communism and arose out of initially justifiable misgivings maybe mixed with fascist lost causers that weren't gulaged. It became a useful tool for the US and CIA,a vector through which to spread pro capitalist thought,see Reagan and his Soviet jokes.

      Now,after they succeeded in destroying socialism here,the remnants of that have coalesced into a sort of national inferiority complex built on the basis of even older sentiments during the times of national liberation,where eastern European revolutionaries were educated in Paris or Vienna and tried transplanting liberal ideas into post ottoman principalities.

      In Romania,we had a writer,Caragiale, which frequently satirized the decisions of the "form without foundation" policies of the newly formed Kingdom of Romania which transplanted liberal institutions wholesale without actually creating a material basis for any capitalist development, seeing as the country was mostly agrarian and most of the land was owned by the church.

      Also, he frequently made fun of the then francophilia of the newly forming bourgeois,the "new money", fighting with the landed nobility,the boyars,which were more accustomed to Turkish influence.

      Edit:To go even farther,I think it's also an even more deeper shame of being conquered by a Muslim nation,and being forced to bend the knee to them,and pay jizya and also have kids kidnapped to become janissaries who would go on to fight against you.