• 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • I've noticed that, too. I think it's thanks to the mods and us having an actual line, like a direction that is consistent, coherent and adjusts itself as events unfold. Because we're not dogmatic. What is that line? What Comrade, darkcalling mentioned down here, the unity of Marxists. We're clear on what we think, and new people either come in already clearheaded or they slowly see what we're like, and join in. We have good people, and I mean that. I come here to learn and laugh everyday. I guess we're just that cool, that we don't start beefs with each other or with our Hexbear friends.

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    I can only hope that someday Ukrainians will understand that the people against them, that put them in this situation, were not their Russian families, but their own fascists.

    But this realization is an ugly and dangerous one, and it is easier to think that the baddies just waltzed right into their sacrosanct home, with them being the smol bean victims of the ''evil orc empire'' to the East. However, I do hope, still, that some will turn their anger towards their own government and the coup that put them through this unnecessary war.

    On the other hand, you won't find me whining about some dead fascists. The true enemy is in their government and the space flea is in the West. They put those fascists in power to do their dirty work using the lives of Ukrainian citizens in order to weaken Russia. This is the true story, and we shouldn't be treating Ukraine as some wholesome 100 chungus, or Russia as some existential evil that must be purged to save humanity. No, Ukraine could have accepted the Minsk Agreements and avoided all this. Instead, their fascist led government indulged by the West, decided to continue.

    So, to my Ukrainian friends I ask...Who is your enemy? Is it the Russians that responded after years of attempting to reach peaceful negotiations and exhausting all avenues to avoid this, or was it your own government that refused these deals, continued to assault their own people for being Russian, and has refused to reach a settlement after 2yrs of seeing your own people die, and for what? For the West to make a buck and ''weaken'' Russia, which has come out stronger from this, while your country will become a sacrificial lamb to be split between companies from the West? Is that ''victory''? But, what do I know? Few will take the right lessons from this shitshow.

  • Hmm...Maybe it's that trick they tried with Chávez that failed spectacularly, the first time he was elected. The Western press will try to sweet talk you into joining their club, a wink and a nudge, talk well about you to try and buy you. They will invite you to fancy dinners and conferences, they will smile at you and try to smooth you into accepting that this is the way things are, we run the show, and you can make bank if you just play along. At the same time, some more mainstream opposition to you, will continue to bash you, to attack you, trying to dig up dirt on you, to deface your character, to lower your standing.

    The right plays both sides in a baseball game. They bat with bases loaded, but they also pitch. You know how ''non-falsifiable orthodoxy'' works, where they can turn any data against you, right? That's one aspect of it, but the other is more important. The point is to manage the narrative. How would I do that if I wanted ''full spectrum dominance'' of the narrative? Easy. I will extend some laurels to you, while at the same time talk shit about you. That way, whether you cede to me or not, I ''win'', because I was ''right'' about you being part of the team, and I was also ''right'' about you not playing along. That way the narrative is maintained.

    I would venture a guess that this is the game they're playing.

  • I'd like to point out that none of these people show up in ANSWER Coalition protests, go to the ALBA-TCP conferences, bring Global South voices to their shows, join the People's Forum for anything, never sat down with Vijay Prashad, belong to any parties that I'm aware, supported RFK, I mean, the brainworm, thought the dumbass petit bourgeois Freedumb Truckers from Canada were ''revolutionary'', joined the LaRouchies in some ecofascist bullshit, get laughed at by the people they claim to wanna turn around, and got no fucking movement behind them. The ''Rage Against The Warmachine'' march they organized like a year or 2 ago, happened like a month before one the PSL did, and the numbers spoke for themselves. These motherfuckers have no convening power.

    Anybody falling for this just has to remember these things I brought up. These people are not where it matters, building movements and relationships with other resistance movements abroad or within the core. You don't see them marching with the Red Nation guys, or building coalitions with indigenous, black and brown people. When they convene you barely see any color, just a couple of pasty ass knuckleheads bouncing off sunlight in the middle of a 4th of July sausage fest with no women in sight. Like our Hexbear friends like to say: deeply unserious.

  • One of my favorite brands of silliness.

    ''Free thinkers'' love to think of themselves as ''enlightened'', as brilliant individuals whom have ''cracked the code'', broke the binary, went beyond the pale of ''good and evil'', rose above the filth of material reality, of left and right in political terms.

    There are none more sheepishly led by the nose than those that think they're free, paraphrasing from Goethe, and deliberately utilizing the word ''sheep'' in there. Because these are the clowns that always call people ''sheep'' while, as comrades have pointed out, bleating state department talking points. They think they're freed from material reality, ''free spirits'' roaming aimlessly, ''sovereign citizens'' in defiance of state decrees. The amount of irony in their existence is what I find most entertaining, and why I love seeing their ass takes on YT comment sections.