
Mariupol was doomed. Relentless Russian bombing had turned streets into ruins and courtyards into graveyards.

But several metres underground in the south-eastern Ukrainian city, a romance was blooming.

Valeria Subotina, 33, had been sheltering in the enormous Azovstal steelworks, the final stronghold in the city, as it was surrounded by Russian forces in spring 2022.

She had taken cover in one of dozens of Soviet-era bomb shelters built to withstand nuclear war, deep beneath the industrial plant.

“You go down a semi-collapsed staircase, move through passages and tunnels, and go further and further down. Finally, you reach this concrete cube, a room,” Valeria says.

In the bunker - alongside soldiers and civilians - Valeria was working with the army's Azov brigade as a press officer, communicating the horrors of Russia's months-long siege to global media.

There, too, was her fiancé Andriy Subotin, a 34-year-old Ukrainian army officer, defending the plant.

The pair had found each other through work - Mariupol’s Border Guard Agency - around three years before the siege.

When Andriy met Valeria, it was love at first sight.

"He was special, it felt so warm to be around him," Valeria says. "He was always kind and never refused to help anyone.”

Andriy was an optimist, she says. He knew how to be happy and found joy in small things: sunny weather, smiles, friends' company.

“On the first day we met, I realised Andriy was very different to others.”

Within three months, they had moved in together, renting a small one-storey house in Mariupol with a garden. The couple started building a life together.

“We travelled a lot, went to the mountains, met friends,” Valeria says.

“We fished together and spent lots of time outdoors. We visited theatres, concerts and exhibitions. Life was full.”

They decided to get married and dreamed of a big church wedding with family and friends. They picked wedding rings.

Valeria quit her job and began to nurture her creative side, writing and publishing poems about the earlier years of fierce fighting with Russia in Mariupol.

"For a couple of years before the full-scale invasion, I was truly happy," she recalls.

Everything changed in February 2022.

Spring had brought the sun to Valeria and Andriy’s garden, and the first flowers were appearing.

"I was starting to enjoy spring,” says Valeria. “We knew about Putin's threats and realised there would be a war, but I didn't want to think about it.“

A few days before 24 February, the day the full-scale invasion began, Andriy urged Valeria to leave the city. She refused.

"I knew that no matter what happened, I had to be in Mariupol, I had to defend my city.”

Weeks later, they were both underground, in the Azovstal bunkers.

They only got to see each other occasionally, but when they did those were moments of “pure happiness”.

At this point, Mariupol was nearing a humanitarian catastrophe.

Strikes to infrastructure had cut water and power supplies to parts of the city, and there were food shortages. Civilian homes and buildings, too, had been destroyed.

On 15 April, a large bomb was dropped on the plant. Valeria narrowly escaped death.

“I was found among dead bodies, the only one alive. On the one hand, a miracle, but on the other, a terrible tragedy.”

She had to spend eight days in an underground hospital in the plant with severe concussion.

“The smell of blood and rot was everywhere,” she says.

“It was a very scary place where our wounded comrades, with amputated limbs, were lying everywhere. They couldn't get proper help because there were very few medical supplies.”

Andriy was deeply worried for Valeria after her injury and started planning a wedding right there, in the bunker.

"It felt like he was in a hurry, like we wouldn't have any more time," says Valeria.

“He made a couple of wedding rings out of tin foil with his own hands, and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said yes.

“He was the love of my life. And our rings made of tin foil - they were perfect.”

On 5 May, the couple were married by a commander stationed at the plant. They had a ceremony in the bunker, wearing their uniforms as wedding attire.

Andriy promised his wife that they would have a proper wedding when they returned home, with real rings and a white dress.

Two days later, on 7 May, he was killed in action at the steel plant, by Russian shelling.

Valeria didn’t find out about it straight away.

“People often say you feel something inside when a loved one dies. But I, on the contrary, was in a good mood. I was married and in love."

One of the hardest things was having to hold in a “lump of grief”, as she was defending her city alongside “her boys” - comrades - at Azovstal.

“I was a bride, I was a wife, and now I am a widow. The scariest word,” she says.

“I could not react the way I wanted to at that moment.

“My boys were always around. They sat next to me, they slept next to me, they brought me food and supported me,” she says. “I could only cry when they weren’t watching.”

At one point, it felt like the fear of being in the war zone was blunted by her grief.

“I didn’t care any more… You just understand that there are many more people waiting for you in the next world, if it exists, than there are here with you.”

The Ukrainian soldiers at Azovstal finally surrendered on 20 May. Valeria found herself among the 900 prisoners of war forcibly taken by the Russian military out of Mariupol.

“We stared through the windows of the bus at those buildings we loved, at those streets we knew so well. They destroyed and killed everything I loved – my city, my friends, and my husband.”

Valeria survived 11 months of Russian captivity, and has told of torture and abuse. Andriy often appeared in her dreams.

In April last year, she was released as part of a prisoner exchange, and is now back in Ukraine.

It is difficult to to say how many people were killed as a result of the Russian shelling of Mariupol, but local authorities say the number exceeds 20,000.

According to the UN, 90% of residential buildings were damaged or destroyed, and bodies are still in the rubble.

As far as Valeria knows, her husband's body remains at the Azovstal steel plant in the now-occupied city.

Sometimes, she says, she looks to the sky and speaks to him

Background-blurred photo of the happy couple with her swastika patch cropped:

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 months ago

    I married the love of my life in a Mariupol bunker. Two days later he was killed

    sucks to suck. I would simply not associate with a nazi

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 months ago

    LITERALLY with the Azov too so there's no wiggle room over oh those are not nazis, no, that's the fucking nazi brigade right there. BBC.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Top story on their homepage




      3 months ago

      naa, looks like a kolovrat

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I'm sure she's very into Slavic paganism in the same way her buddies are very into Buddhism and Hinduism.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          3 months ago

          She certainly likes Nordic paganism enough to get a tattoo of runes on her arms:

      • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
        3 months ago

        The Kolovrat has been co-opted by the far-right, especially in Russia and Ukraine, according to a number of internet sources. People are suggesting that sometimes it's not, but usually you can use context to decide.

        The Guardian recognises it as a nazi symbol: "The Rusich logo features a Slavic Swastika known as a Kolovrat."

        There's also a russian nazi band called Kolovrat, lol - Kolovrat (Russian: Коловрат) is a Russian Rock Against Communism (RAC)/thrash metal band. This is a cult band among the Russian nationalists and has been described as "famous" in the RAC scene and "best known" of the Russian white power bands. It has been described as a neo-Nazi group.

        • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
          3 months ago

          Wikipedia on the Kolovrat:

          In the early 1990s, the former dissident and one of the founders of Russian neo-paganism Alexey Dobrovolsky first gave the name "kolovrat" to a four-beam swastika, identical to the Nazi symbol, and later transferred this name to an eight-beam rectangular swastika.
          He considered this version of the Kolovrat a pagan sign of the sun and, in 1996, declared it a symbol of the uncompromising "national liberation struggle" against the "removed [Jewish] yoke". According to Dobrovolsky, the meaning of the "kolovrat" completely coincides with the meaning of the Nazi swastika.

          Edit: who knew the word filter knew slurs in multiple languages?

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Honestly you'd think they'd eventually do one of these things and not have the person be a nazi. It's almost like they're trying to do this.

  • Omegamint [comrade/them, doe/deer]
    3 months ago

    "Valeria quit her job and began to nurture her creative side, writing and publishing poems about the earlier years of fierce fighting with Russia in Mariupol."

    Oh so she was out there with Azov in the years before the war. Gee, bbc, what was the Nazi paramilitary group doing out there? Why don't we get some more details about this "fierce fighting" with "Russia"?

  • rio [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    As the Russians approached they had a quiet bunker wedding ceremony then both swallowed cyanide and he put a bullet in her head before putting a bullet in his own. His friends then burned their bodies.

    Adolph and Eva, a charming love story from the bbc.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Don't worry they insist the whole "nazi symbolism" thing is just ironic this time around.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    3 months ago

    Ha! I was scrolling the BBC this morning, and I remarked to my partner that there's 0 Palestine stuff but 2 Ukraine/Putin articles. I didn't click the article because I figured it would be more banal than an actual Azov nazi.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      3 months ago

      When I saw bunker and Mariupol in the title, I thought "there's no fucking way."

      And yet they did. A 1103 word tribute to love in the Fuhrerbunker written by Goebbels. Very cool and normal as hell.

      edit: Which at the time, around 40 minutes after it was posted, was the top story on their main news page.

  • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Ok I usually I don't like to make fun of physical appearances for any reason, but they are literal Nazis. Very ugly couple 0/10