Apologies for the delay but here they are. As per usual, if your pronouns aren't in the list, please comment them here and I'll see that they get added.

UPDATE: “Undecided” and “None/Use Name” have now been added.

  • joshieecs [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    i understand that as he/him is the pronoun and cat/boy is the gender expression, made perfect sense to me. just like i have he/him because i am a guy, but any pronoun because idc what pronouns people use. for example, a lot of gay gays end up using feminine pronouns around their gay friends, even though they don't identify as a feminine gender. this pronoun vs gender conversation seems to lose the point some people want to declare a gender and some people want to specify a pronoun. different but related concepts. it's valid to be, for example, he/him nonbinary, but you are suggesting the pronoun use is a more important declaration than the gender itself. but in some cases one is incomplete without the other. i imagine it could be dysphoric for someone nonbinary but who prefers he/him pronouns to be imagined as a cis dude, for example?

    • the_river_cass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      no? pronoun use is just one kind of gender expression. there are many others and they all, even taken altogether, say very little about gender identity.

      people want to use the pronoun tag as general user flair, yes, but that's not about anything deeper or more significant, it's just a tag that sits next to their username that they want to customize.