En el vasto mundo de las redes sociales, los memes se han convertido en una forma de expresión popular que refleja humor, crítica social y hasta identidad cultural. Entre la amplia gama de memes que circulan por internet, un subgénero ha ganado especial relevancia en México: las “Calacas Chidas”. Este año, estos memes adquirieron una nueva dimensión al ser utilizados para relacionarse con el presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, desencadenando tanto humor como polémica entre diferentes generaciones.

A principios de este año, surgió una imagen de una calavera acompañada por la frase “Un verdadero hombre no habla mal de López Obrador”, desencadenando una oleada de críticas entre adultos que interpretaron erróneamente que esta imagen confirmaba la relación del partido Morena con el culto a la Santa Muerte.


La situación llegó a un punto crítico durante el segundo debate presidencial, donde se enfrentaron Claudia Sheinbaum, Xóchitl Gálvez y Jorge Álvarez Máynez.

En ese encuentro, Gálvez, la candidata de la coalición PRI, PAN y PRD, exhibió una imagen y acusó a la candidata de Morena, Sheinbaum de rendir culto a la Santa Muerte, a pesar de que esta información no era verdadera. Esta acusación pasó por alto el hecho de que México es un país laico, donde las creencias religiosas no deberían ser un obstáculo para aspirar a un cargo federal.


Las Calacas Chidas son imágenes que utilizan calaveras o esqueletos como personajes principales, acompañados de frases humorísticas o sarcásticas que reflejan la cultura popular mexicana y la actualidad del país. Su humor suele ser ácido, irónico y crítico, sin temor a abordar temas tabú o controversiales.

Estas imágenes se han difundido ampliamente por redes sociales, al punto que se ha creado mercancía sobre ellas como playeras, tazas, mouse pad, etc.

Su origen se remonta a 2015, cuando la página de Facebook “Calacas Chidas” comenzó a publicar imágenes de este tipo, después de que comenzaran a circular algunas de ellas hechas por diversos usuarios. Rápidamente, se hicieron virales y ganaron una gran cantidad de seguidores, convirtiéndose en un fenómeno cultural digital.


La popularidad de las Calacas Chidas se debe a su humor ácido y sarcástico, que conecta con la idiosincrasia del público mexicano. Además, las imágenes suelen ser creativas y originales, lo que las hace aún más atractivas.

Las temáticas abordadas son tan diversas como la vida misma: política, actualidad, cultura popular, relaciones personales, experiencias cotidianas y, por supuesto, la muerte, tratada con humor negro y sin tapujos.


Las Calacas Chidas no solo buscan generar risas, sino también invitar a la reflexión y la crítica social. A través del humor negro y la sátira, se cuestionan las condiciones sociales, políticas y económicas del país, poniendo en evidencia las desigualdades y las injusticias.

Las Calacas Chidas se han convertido en una forma de expresión popular en México, reflejando el ingenio, el humor y la crítica social del pueblo mexicano. Han llegado a millones de personas a través de las redes sociales, dejando una huella en la cultura digital del país.

Las Calacas Chidas son más que simples memes, son un fenómeno cultural mexicano que refleja la idiosincrasia del país, su humor, su ingenio y su espíritu crítico. Más allá de las risas, invitan a la reflexión y la crítica social, convirtiéndose en una forma de expresión popular que ha dejado una huella en la cultura digital de México y ahora en la política del país rumbo a las Elecciones 2024.


Articulo plagiado de la vanguardia

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  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    3 months ago
    And that's why I'm not excited about the upcoming video game Dragon Age Veilguard, releasing worldwide for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S on October 31.

    Man, I just can't get excited about Dragon Age Veilguard. The thing about that franchise is that there's only ever been one really good game in it, the first one, and that came out in 2009. I love Dragon Age 2, but it was desperately rushed to completion and you can tell. I never even beat Inquisition, and I might someday, but it has a less extreme version of the problem that Mass Effect Andromeda has. I feel like they made an effort to make the game have as broad an appeal as possible, but that robbed the game of any soul it might have had. I suppose that's the problem with this sort of corporate art generally.

    All the gameplay styles feel too similar. Most of the companion stories seem hollow; There'll be a cool concept, maybe a unique spin on a character that we wouldn't normally see in this genre/format, but the actual story just won't be that good. The main narrative itself feels like it's always trying to play it safe, trying to accommodate the fact that the player character could be any combination of their character creator's gender and race and class options (and when they have special dialogue lines or options for those things it feels like a more poorly implemented, shallower idea of what was present in earlier entries). And while the graphics are much improved from the older entries, the level design feels worse in a way I can't pinpoint. Less atmospheric, maybe? Less, I don't know, immersive? Probably a knock-on effect of the quasi open-world design as opposed to Origins much more linear style.

    I feel like (as a gamer who values narrative above all else) most of my problems with Inquisition boil down the fact that by trying to let the player be anyone they want to be the studio hampers their ability to tell good stories, including the companions' since their stories orbit around the player character. BioWare managed to pull it off with Origins, but they strike a very good balance with the original Mass Effect games. The player feels like they have some agency over deciding who Shepard is, but also Shepard manages to convey their own personality consistently over time. But even that only holds together if you're consistently choosing paragon or renegade options. If you start to mix it up the character can feel totally incoherent.

    Which is why my favorite approach to this is like The Witcher games (or basically any story-driven RPG that doesn't have a character creator). Make the player character a fixed person in the world, give the player different ways to respond to certain scenarios that all feel like things that the character would reasonably do. Though it helped CD PROJEKT RED that their player character, Geralt, was the protagonist of a book series and is an extremely hypocritical character. I guess ZA/UM sort of do this with Harry du Bois, but of course he's a lunatic with drug-induced amnesia (and also maybe the least interesting aspect of the story. Disco Elysium is about the people of Martinaise, and the personal growth or lack-thereof of Harrier du Bois is just one small story among many). I guess I should praise RDR2 because on paper they do exactly what I'm talking about, but I just hate Rockstar's approach to game design so much that I can't enjoy it.

    It does seem like there's some sort of core team involved with the Dragon Age games who are very dedicated to the crazy worldbuilding of that series. But that's not enough for me. I expect Veilguard will, in all respects, feel like a shittier version of Inquisition, which already felt like a shittier version of DA2.

    • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      3 months ago

      tulen silti pelaamaan sitä kuraa, tuskin ostan edgeworth-shrug


      i'll still play that carbage, doubt i'll pay for it though