I can't deal with this. My partner of 5 years left , I have no job I have no family that gives a shit I have nothing I am done. I'm never goin to find love again because I'm a miserable unnatractive piece of shit and I can't even look I don't know how to date even if I did I'd just be burdening someone else with me it'd be so much better if I could just die but I'm such a fucking coward I can't do it I might pick up hard drugs to die slower I cant do this

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    4 months ago

    That's not true at all, your life has intrinsic value. The intrinsic value of each human life is what's motivating all of us to do anything. The same respect for the sanctity of others' life that you have and guides your morality, is the respect you ought to have for your own. As long as you live you are part of a brighter future, just as much as every star in the night sky.

    • Octagonprime [any]
      4 months ago

      I do believe that about everyone else but I cant apply it to myself.i think things about myself I would never think about others. The social darwinism and death drive of this society is still in my head telling me I'm worthless I'm a useless eater and ill never be a valuable man or woman or whatever I am I'll never have a place, even in circles like this I dont fit in I've never had a place I belong

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I understand the difficulty of applying it to yourself, it's natural to hold ourselves to a different standard. But you should know that the little fascist inside your head telling you that you're not worth anything is, itself, the only part of yourself that actually is worthless. I don't know if it's productive for you to attempt to logic your way out of an emotional situation, but please keep this in mind. Your own life is as precious as all others comrade.