Octagonprime [any]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2021


  • Yeah I think a lot of hexbears don't understand the meaning of materialism. I don't see a problem with having spiritual believes as long as you're not making your revolutionary praxis be sending good vibes telepathically to the npp . I think a lot of users here are le epic reddit atheists at heart still and think theyre right about everuthing because they saw the light of Marxism and having a more correct framework for the world than most people around you can make you a little cocky

  • The warmth and crunchyness of the production is nice to my ears. I like the horns. The weird imagery in the lyrics hits a vibe with me and although I can see why not everyone would like his voice I don't think you can say he's a terrible singer , he's belting that shit out for some long stretches that are pretty impressive to me. I also will always like a theramin. I think their first album on Avery Island is what I go back to more though and more people should check that one out .

  • This is an unpopular opinion here bit I think something is really going on with UAP and there is truth to David Grusch's statements. I haven't been following it as much since the intensification of the Palestinian genocide because that's more important. In ufo communities people have a lot of anticapitalist leanings and I've had success spreading knowledge of other secret programs like mkultra and gladio to people already looking into the depths of the American state, I just think that could be taken advantage of more if more leftists were open to looking into the phenomenon .

  • Octagonprime [any]tochapotraphouseRed Flags: The Game
    8 months ago

    It's a pretty common dogwhistle, Trump admin and the CBP slipped in statements similar to the 14 words and some suspicious uses of the numbers, saw it in the usernames of white supremacists on reddit,ect. (Also a JPEGMAFIA song https://youtu.be/_WVOq6gC2Mg?si=1VavIa2rWW0OQ2E4)

  • Octagonprime [any]
    tomutual_aidBack again unfortunately
    9 months ago

    A comrade sent me 20 as well and i traded some of my extra 'herbs and spices' to a friend for a little more so that should hold me over for a few days at least . I appreciate it a lot

  • Octagonprime [any]
    tochatWow usa feel bad
    9 months ago

    Well it's good for then to know when problems are systemic and from the environment and circumstances so they don't internalize it as their fault as an individual

  • Octagonprime [any]
    tochatWow usa feel bad
    9 months ago

    I feel it I gave up on therapy back when I had insurance that covered it because of the quality of therapy offered. The thing about gas sucks and is why I'm hesitant to get invested in driving and a vehicle even though it would open opertunities because I'm not in a city or anything. I hate car culture and just spent a year In a place that was even worse than I'm used to about being livable without a car so I'm feeling more grateful for the limited options of the other place.

  • Octagonprime [any]
    tochatWow usa feel bad
    9 months ago

    Yeah and generational trauma and struggle from getting fucked here for a long time doesn't help. Also holy crap dirt owl commented on my post I'm blessed