"As a first concrete step in our rectification campaign, we are issuing a broad call for criticism and letters. We call on our readers and friends of the journal to write to us with any and all criticisms of our work, as well as with questions—whether brought up from your studies and experiences or questions of elaboration or disagreement with any position put forward by articles in the journal. We will try to respond to every email sent in, and may publish illustrative contributions on the blog as a more regular Letter to the Editor column. Without regular interaction with our readers, including hearing their ideas, questions, and especially criticism when we make mistakes, we cannot improve the work of our journal to serve the US proletariat. Struggle Sessions has developed a reputation for being unreachable and arrogant toward our readers, and we wish to correct this through practice." Strugglesessions@protonmail.com

If you send the same criticism to them and noam chomsky and synthesize their responses you might create a new more powerfully annoying leftism.

If this is the wrong comm lmk idk what I'm doing here

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Are gonzoloites really worth engaging with? My experience is that these types are way too far gone and just wants bourgeoise blood regardless of who else suffers but I'm willing to be proven wrong