"No punchbacks"
Why does the Pentagon have a "news" site where they quote their own press people for 70% of the article? This is just a third-hand memo.
Probably written by an unpaid intern doing a journalism degree lmao
Why does the Pentagon have a "news" site...
Because MSNBCtagon sounds bad. I'm joking of course. MSNBC is effectively a part of the "news" branch of the Pentagon.
I consent!
I consent!
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?
Fucking ridiculous.
This is a reasonable response by someone trying to stop an escalation. The guy that's got no power to stop an escalation, but can hope that some Iranian can read between the lines. The guy that made that statement is probably not who I'm talking about
Me in an online flame war after I call the other guy a moron shill idiot
I can get tits if I get tatted??? Or is it the other way around? I get tats with my tits?