Biweekly threads sound good to y'all? Should it be weekly?

Thread Question 1: What's the weirdest deck you play?
Thread Question 2: What's the weirdest deck you've played against?
Thread Question 3: What's the weirdest deck concept you've got in your head?

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Question 1: I've played a lot of weird stuff over the years. Probably Maze's End, Glittering Wish Midrange, or Sea Stompy for unconventional decks.

    Question 2: One of the weirdest that comes to mind was this sick Modern 5-color Elemental deck revolving around Incandescent Soulstoke, Nova Chaser, Smoke Braider, and Soulbright Flamekin. This was before the Simian Spirit Guide ban, so it was possible to get domed by a turn 2 Thorn Elemental. The "champion" mechanic let him keep any large fatties around after cheating them into play. Was a really spicy deck.

    Question 3: I really, really want to make the Turing Machine deck and see if I can get it up and running before I die.