I would LOVE to be able to branch out, but as much as I’ve tried in my almost 30 years, it always ends as nothing but a wet fart. Most of the people who I do vibe with (and who tolerate me) exist in the form of potential romantic interests and it just doesn’t work out. I can’t find that “line” of platonicness and romance. From that perspective then, I guess it makes sense why my friendships/commections ceased formation in my adolescence. Doesn’t make it suck any less though lolololol

  • SuperZutsuki [they/them]
    4 months ago

    I spent 8-10 hours after school with my friends every day. It's not possible to do that with anyone as an adult. I have made some friends as an adult but it's difficult to make plans. Everyone (including myself) is so busy, crushed under the weight of capitalism, depressed, etc.

    • stigsbandit34z [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Even having virtual friends you interact with often doesn’t mean the same imo.

      Not any less valid but not as deep in my experience