


Except it's not finished. I had to put down the brush for the past week due to illness, but I picked it back up tonight and finished the body and head. Now I move onto the arm weapons and I'm going to at least base them tonight. But I went with Thousand Sons colors as it's for that army in particular. Mind you I make some personal changes for personal tastes, but they're the overall colors minus yellow...which I can't figure out where to put it. I also tried making the skulls or spirits or whatever on the smokestacks look like they were made out of tallow candles while vomiting ghost light. I could've done better, but I was super tired when I painted them. There are a few mistakes that I'm not going to go over and fix cause I don't think they're super noticeable, but maybe. IDK. Maybe find a way to smush in that yellow somewhere if I'm feeling spicy.

Also, I use blue-white light in my painting "studio" and I can't get the color to come out perfectly with my iPhone's camera. It keeps throwing a blue heavy filter on it and I can only correct it so much.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    4 个月前

    I'd probably highlight the metal with more yellowish gold, if not directly mixing yellow into your gold with some silver. If you add yellow anywhere else, it's going to ruin the nice contrast you've established and make it look too busy.

    The other solution would be to paint the neck plates alternating colors between yellow and blue. This also helps tie it together with your Rubric Marines if you have the motif there with their crown/horn/idk wat you call it.

    • Yukiko [she/her]
      4 个月前

      That’s a really good idea for the gold. I honestly just followed the citadel app on that one cause I simply don’t have the full experience yet as I’m very new to the hobby.

      I’ll probably stick off the yellow cause there’s simply nowhere to put it and it’d throw off the look of hamfisted in. I would like it to adhere to the rubric color scheme, but I also have rubrics that are HH color scheme as well, so matching isn’t 100% necessary.

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        4 个月前

        Something else I forgot to mention: light behaves differently on large objects because of how our brains interpret what we see. Your highlights are really good and like I said, you have good contrast (which is important when playing a game because it helps you quickly identify what's what on the table). The one thing you could add is volumetric highlights and shadows, which is a step you wouldn't need on infantry models. Large demon-dog-machines, on the other hand, will cast shadows over parts of themselves in ways that would be noticeable IRL. Example:


        Notice how the turret casts a shadow over the tank's hull. The underside makes the inner part of the treads almost black, especially compared to the ground outside. The person in the turret, on the other hand, has a pretty uniform distribution of light coming from one direction. So:


        This is something I'd suggest doing on your model. However, you're like 99% done and this step would take about as much time as the rest of the model only to get that last 1% of polish. And it's not really adding much that impacts gameplay or how it will be perceived from two feet away.

        • Yukiko [she/her]
          4 个月前

          Yeah, that's something I took into consideration when I didn't highlight certain plates on the armor, but I didn't extend it to all the highlights because I was afraid of mucking it up. After all, this was a large project for me and my first large model. Hopefully I get to that point one day and am confident enough to attempt shadows of that level.

          Thank you for all the critique. I am very thankful for it.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 个月前

    Oooo I really like the subtle neon green glow on the skulls. Very nicely done. I have no idea how people paint these so nice.

    I know almost nothing about Warhammer, which is the best faction?

    • Thallo [love/loves]
      4 个月前

      If you play ork, you can play these lil guys who I think are your style


      They're basically living balloons that explode when pierced

    • Yukiko [she/her]
      4 个月前

      For me, that answer comes down to which faction's lore you like the most. I'm extremely fond of the lore of the Thousand Sons. They're Machiavellian in their pursuit of knowledge which (previously) they've claimed will help save humanity. But that generally comes with just laying waste to entire planets or similar things.

      I'm not going to get into it, but I chose by getting a short description of each faction from my local Warhammer store. The Thousand Sons were described to me as "dudes that used to be dudes but are now dust in armor." I love them.

    • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
      4 个月前

      Purely subjective unfortunately. I play Drukhari, the dark elves, who are essentially a combination of the Hellraiser Cenobites mixed with pirates. They've got some questionable lore but I try to disregard the worst of it (the absurd amounts of SA references) and focus on the funny evil (the time the faction leader sent his biggest rival a birthday gift, which happened to be a condensed black hole that annihilated his rival the moment he opened the box)

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        4 个月前

        The Torturer's Tale by Gav Thorpe

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      4 个月前

      Also depends on the edition. 3rd. through 4th. it was Dark Eldar followed by Craftworld Eldar and Chaos. 5th. Edition it goes to Grey Knights. 6th. and 7th. was probably Imperial Knights. I didn't play anything after that, but IIRC 8th. it was Custodes.

      Then you have your individually busted army lists from specific eras. Feral Orks is why they cut back on subfactions. Or the flyer/skimmer spam in 9th.

  • Civility [none/use name]
    4 个月前

    That’s so cool.

    I love the contrast between the grand block colours on the back plate and the intricate detail everywhere else. It looks really good.

    Have you been painting models for long?

    • Yukiko [she/her]
      4 个月前

      Thank you <3

      I started in late July, so a little over 3 months ago.

  • Pili [any, any]
    4 个月前

    This looks sick! I love it.

    I checked what the Forgefiend looks like on the Warhammer wiki, and I think your choice of colours, lighter with higher contrast, works much better.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    4 个月前

    Hell yeah! lets-fucking-go

    Great work on the rim highlights on the plates! Chaos looks like such a pain in the ass with all that trim, but you pulled it off really well.

    • Yukiko [she/her]
      4 个月前

      Thank you and it is. All in all, the highlighting took me around 12 hours. There were so many edges everywhere and I used 2 highlights for each color. While painful, I can't help but not want anywhere near the corpse emperor's armies, so I have to deal with the edges from hell.