TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • I remember a solid week of absolute pearl clutching and fainting that China was about to deorbit and drop a used booster rocket onto some random (white) city in the world... A year ago? Two now?

    China had obviously calculated the trajectory for it to land in the ocean like every other space agency in the world, but the news was going feral about how China was going to just drop it on people and kill thousands out of carelessness

    And then the booster splashed down into the water as China said it would. You had a few libs sniffle and go "w-well it could've missed a-a-and landed on Australia!" and then that was it. No reckoning with the story, just buried it

  • And much like with the excessive camber that a lot of people think is cool on cars (where the wheels flare out sideways), pre-loading a desert truck is usually pretty subtle, only a few inches up and down. Noticeable but functional

    Lots of street trends like the Carolina Squat and Stancing take these concepts and jack them up past 11 into pure ridiculous territory

  • the kind of guy who has a girlfriend because guys are supposed to have girlfriends. everything is an obligation/responsibility

    According to an interview with him, he literally sees his time with his girlfriend as transactional, that he considers every hour spent with her as being an hour he's lost money because he's not making content

  • I'm going to be charitable and assume you just catastrophically misunderstood the point instead of being intentionally obtuse. I shouldn't be but I will be

    Let's say Russia decides to end the war without a treaty today. Do you really believe Elensky will stop martial law and return to holding elections?

    Of course not. Either Ukraine will counter-invade into Russia, thus prolonging the war and martial law, or he'll keep the threat of Russia's mere existence as a reason to keep martial law in place - after all, they need to be vigilant about more threats etc etc

    I fucking beg of you Lemmytors to fire off a single brain cell once in a while and see if a thought forms

  • Twenty years ago it was commonly understood that one could not and should not believe anything in the mainstream news without investigation first, because we all watched as the news carried water for an illegal and immoral invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq

    Those same people who would've scoffed at any word out of the Press Secretary's mouth now go into a frothing rage if you were to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the news doesn't always give an accurate framing. It's baffling to me, and the change happened subtly - maybe I wasn't paying attention, I was unfortunately one of those "it's over for Drumpf" style libs back in 2016, but I can't really point to a moment where the change happened, just that it did

  • Nobody's outright talking plunder but friend, what do you think the ultimate outcome is here?

    Libs won't stop until Russia either balkanizes into a shattered Libya-style failed state that the West can gobble up piecemeal under the guise of helping them recover, or the Russian government changes to an explicitly pro-EU one that empties its coffers in a show of newfound solidarity

    For the West, there is no world in which Russia will be allowed to exist as a sovereign state. The end goal, full stop, is to plunder it, even if that's not the stated goal

  • ve started to ask liberals: will life be meaningfully worse under Russian occupation for the people living in the region they've seized, or will it be about the same? If there's no difference, why should we support sending thousands of conscripts to their deaths?

    The problem with that is far too many liberals sincerely believe this idea they invented themselves that this is going to result in some Ukrainian genocide by the Russians, either fully murdering everyone or a cultural genocide by replacing them and their culture with Russia's

    The reality is of course that no, life will not meaningfully change, but few libs actually engage with material reality

  • Packet of cream cheese, sub for vegan if you'd like

    One drained can of black beans

    Any diced veg you've got the spoons to prep (ie onion or peppers) optional

    Hot sauce to taste

    Mix all the above into a bowl, use it to fill a tortilla in whatever shape you'd like (usually small taquitos or folded quesadillas works best for this), pan fry the assembled tortilla until brown