How do I even human? I don't get it. Ugh, people are scary. ohnoes

Why is this in the dredge? Because I'm dunking myself.

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    4 months ago

    Go experience some foreigners for a while- slightly foreign works, but the more different to you the better. Work with them, eat with them, chill out with them. Observe how different their social norms are to the ones you normally see.

    There's nothing to understand about social norms, it's just another stupid list of traditions that NTs learn without questioning, like gender, that changes wherever you go. It's a list of rules they locally follow in order to be polite, but you can usually work out if something is polite or not by just being a remotely conscientious person, which as a communist, you should already be capable of. Let them follow their lists, and as long as you're generally somewhat polite and conscientious to those around you they won't even notice you're not doing the same thing.