YOU are speaking!

Have you made any poignant commentary on the recent election in the U.S.? Do you have a good response to liberals who are upset with the results or process of the election? Have you written or seen something as a comment reply/post that you think has standalone value? Did you see a new take or analysis you hadn’t previously considered?

Whether it’s a long idea with lots of context, or a short and sweet one liner, we want those thoughts aggregated here. This post is intended to be a resource for comrades to draw from when having actual discussions outside of Hexbear both online or IRL regarding the election.

Consider this a mini-effortpost aggregator. This is not for shitposts, but humor is completely acceptable if it helps make the point.

  • Cowbee [he/him, they/them]
    4 months ago

    get home from work in the United Soviet States of America in 2024

    thirty hour weeks are tough, but I get more vacation days than most people in order to make up for it

    boot up my home PC, an Electronika 9100 XMT

    it's located in my garage, in a standard rack mount along with its standard power source and network components

    head to the terminal in my living room to actually use it

    computer monitor makes a satisfying hum as it comes to life

    see the logo for the default OS pop up

    it's a Linux distribution maintained by the Computing Centre of the Academy of Sciences

    it's good enough

    go into Firefox, log onto my favorite website\n\n>it's called Hexbear, it's a pretty standard BBCode forum

    see that I have a private message\n\n>a comrade is calling me a revisionist

    they sent me a picture of a pig pooping on its balls"

    It's my favorite tagline by far, it seeps into the wrinkles in my brain and spreads like a mold.