Una dintre intreprinderi este din orasul meu natal, bona mea a lucrat la aceasta

Pe scurt se vorbeste despre trei intreprinderi,o fabrica de conserve de peste,o cooperative agricola si Uzina Mao Zedong,care a fabricat primele autodube sanitare. Prezinta pe scurt intreprinderile si randamentul acestora.

  • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
    4 months ago

    Traducere in Engleza

    Tulcea. The new fish canning factory completed at the end of our first five-year plan. The company's staff started from the first days of the year to translate into life the directives of the second party congress regarding the five-year plan in order to improve the food supply of working people. The factory is equipped with modern high-efficiency machines handled by skilled people. Every hour the workers of the factory in Tulcea give the stores in Tulcea 6-700 kg of canned fish, only in the first days of January the factory produced over 90000 kg of canned fish.

    The Olga Bancic collective farm in Coșereni, Ploiesti region has 93 families, who every winter share their income from the 347 hectares worked together. The 850 days of work of the family of the collectivist Anghel Alexandru are weighed in heavy bags. In the 11900 kg of cereals and other products that are due to his diligence, the collectivists from Coșerind bring home more and more abundance.

    The first days of the five-year anniversary found the makers of the first Romanian Mao Zedong buses also making the first sanitary vans. The experience gained by the factory workers during the construction of the buses now helps them to assemble and body the new cars. In support of health protection, the workers of the Mao Zedong factories will produce 20 vans in January.