Perioada Ceausescu ,dupa vizita in Koreea de Nord,1973

Din nou,se prezinta trei intreprinderi,una din orasul meu natal

O uzina de aluminiu,extinderea exploatarii unui bazin carbonifer si o fabrica de masini casnice. Se prezinta intreprinderile si randamentul acestora.

  • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
    4 months ago

    Traducere in Engleza

    In Tulcea, the waters of the Danube parade starting this autumn in front of the largest aluminum plant in the country. So, in less than three years, Tulcea has spectacularly connected to the country's great industrial circuit. Where yesterday the bulldozers were still working, shiny columns are now arched, mills and crushers directed by the former fishermen of the Delta are rotating from desks wider than the control panel of transatlantic ships. A great objective of the five-year plan, an aluminum fortress serving the Romanian aluminum industry. Annually, 2500 tons of aluminum will leave here for Slatina to be transformed into the precious white metal so necessary for modern industry.

    At Rovinari, on the lands of Oltenia, huge steel mastodons tear rivers of coal from the geological layers. Recently, the coal basin of Rovinarilor has expanded the working perimeter with another mining operation, the one in Roșia. The hardworking miners of Gorj, about whom we have had the opportunity to speak so many times in praise, have great tasks in the current five-year plan and they are determined to carry them out in an exemplary way.

    In another corner of the country, in Satu Mare, the workers of the domestic machinery factory have proposed as a major commitment the achievement of its five-year plan in four years and five months, an objective that comes to life from the deeds of each day of work, additional productions, exclusively products of the highest quality. Another remarkable success, the self-equipped galvanic coating installation brought the factory savings of 20 million RON currency. There is no shortage of cutting-edge news either: three-mesh electric cars, mini gas stoves and other products that will be delivered to the trade later this quarter. We are looking forward to them.