idk I just saw this little scene and it's just really cute tbh

I really like these little ways he interacts with Shep sometimes, but he's just so uninteresting most of the time, like he so actively rejects and gets annoyed at any personal questions Shep asks lea-sad

also he's hot

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    I think that was the argument- some people felt that having the only black party member in Mass Effect having his personal storyline revolve around an asshole absentee father was leaning into an unfortunate trope

    • vegeta1 [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Tbh not a fan of how they wrote black characters in bioware other than admiral anderson. Vivienne is a black republican who saw the desperate refugees at haven as rats. Liam is an annoying manchild doesnt take responsibility. . Jacob himself was passive aggressive and boring. His father being a deadbeatremoved brainwashed harem runner was possibly the most despicable bioware character. The my face is tired character is heavily corrupt as shown by her underlings and being antagonistic is her entire personality. Yeah not feeling em. At least Maya Brooks was ok. Liked her

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Tbh not a fan of how they wrote black characters in bioware other than admiral anderson.

        Being voiced by Keith David helped immensely pog-fish

        brainwashed harem runner

        Oh christ I forgot about that part. I just remembered he abandoned Jacob when he was a kid. You can really feel that 2010 EA edge in ME2 michael-laugh

        I did like Jacob better than whoever the meathead guy in ME3 was so he's not the blandest soldier guy in the series. Though if I'm being honest, I mostly just kept Garrus and Tali on my team for most of that game (and the third game too)

        • vegeta1 [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          Vega? Lmao he did give that funny ass moment when femshep was harassing him in the citadel dlc i-cant Femshep was like "oh you were playing games don't back out now"