I try reading about the Secret Treaties in Wikipedia, but it's not super conclusive.

  • Moss [they/them]
    4 months ago

    World war 1 was the ultimate conclusion of the capitalist imperialism that emerged in the 19th century, with France and especially Britain as the victors. Germany, a rapidly industrialising, heavily militarized state, presented a threat to the status quo. What Germany wanted was to be in Britain's place as the chief imperialist in the world.

    Capitalist countries must inevitably come into conflict - for a deeper understanding of this, read Imperialism, the Highest Stage if Capitalism by Lenin.

    Germany wasn't doing anything good, but they weren't really any worse than Britain and France.

    People call Britain and France in this time "democracies", although this is not true. They denied hundreds of millions their right to self-determination in their colonies, and only extended the right to vote to the privileged few in the mother countries.

    World war 1 was an utter waste of lives. Millions upon millions of lives were destroyed so that capitalists could protect their empires. The only good that came of it was that it was the catalyst for the October Revolution.