I'm just inquiring as to how 'feds' are caught. The mistakes they make that get them caught.
Also, i enjoy scrolling hexbear in my free time. And i've read Capital volumes 1 through 4 and the communist party manifesto, so don't worry, i ain't no fed gang.
Beans amirite 🤣🫘
There’s this pervasive myth that exists both online and IRL, that cops are going to be obvious. Frex: I once got fucking yelled at by my dealer because I was smoking with two people who were in his words, without a hint of irony dressed like ‘80s TV detectives. This is fucking asinine and only plays in their favor. “Feds” aren’t stupid, or at least not as stupid as we think.
Personally I subscribe to the idea of the "buddy system" for feds. There'll be one fairly obvious low effort fed account that quickly gets caught and a much stealthier one that goes under the radar due to all the attention focused on the first account. One calls attention to their bad infiltration job so the actual infiltration goes unnoticed.
One missile whose job is to engage the air defense system, and the missile behind it who's job is to get through