I'm an international student at a US university and was wondering what I can do to advance the Marxist-Leninist cause here?

I was thinking about creating a communist youth league on campus or something of the sort? Maybe an anti-fascist action? Any other ideas?

Is it possible for me to join any nation-wide socialist/communist organization?

  • OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I would start by not getting dragged into discussions about Russia and Ukraine.

    Start a communist club if there isn't one already, host weekly meetings and advertise at the club promotions. You'll be building a brand and reputation, so put lots of effort in at the start, and likeminded individuals will join along.

    • Trudge [Comrade]@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      On the other hand, not having thorny discussions in the beginning is how groups splinter into a myriad pieces in a year or two.

  • Bobby_DROP_TABLES [he/him]
    11 months ago

    If your college has a good org, even it it's a DSA chapter, join that. If your college doesn't have a leftist org, start one or (even better) join a local org in the community your college is located it. The best thing you can do is contribute to building mutual aid networks, or really any project that uplifts working people. And whatever you do, and I'm sorry if this comes of rude, do not do or say anything extremely online. Don't argue with people on Ukraine or Russia, the legacy of Stalin or the USSR, etc. Those are conversations best had 1-on-1 with people who you've already gauged as likely to be receptive. Also just have fun, university is a great time.

  • comvedml@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Study, finish your degree and get out. US and it's international diaspora is filled with right wing people it will take either bombs or a civil war to wake them up. Why do you think governments in the Western countries are in NATO and are in a cold War against China. They are extremely racist and aggressive.

  • bookmeat@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    It didn't end badly enough for Russia you gotta go spreading that shit around?

    • Effort0499@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      How's that Ukrainian counter offensive going? I don't support either side but Russia is clearly the lesser evil. People in Crimea and Donbass have the right to self determination.

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      How the hell did you drag Russia into this? Fuck off lib, how’s that retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan treating you?

    • blakeus12 [he/him]
      11 months ago

      yeah bro, it ended so badly! the workers had... RIGHTS?!? :porky-scared: and at the end of its life, the majority of citizens of the USSR wanted it to stay as an entity?!?!!! THE HORRORS! COMMUNISM IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!

      yeah get out of here with that shit.