I was just posting a dumb meme about the the Fivethrityeight fox and this guy immediately jumps on my throat about how bad taxes are and how anarco-capitalism is the best next thing.

This one was a huge culture shock for me; I'm from Latin America myself; I've been doing furry commissions for 5 years, mostly english speaking audience. And when i tried to connect with Spanish speaking communities what i found is that Right-wing propaganda runs deep.

I've seen it all jumping from group to group: from tons of anti trans/anti feminists, people that glorify Varg Vikernes, to die hard Libertarians (who ironically haven't worked a day in their lives), to Latino self titled white supremacists.

I really don't get it. At first i thought this was some sort of edgy humor. But a lot of this people are so entrenched in their ideology i find it a waste of time to even discuss anything with them...

Just makes me sad.