Obviously I wanna play it but I feel like I can't abide CD Projekt Red's awful practices. Do I pirate it? Suck it up bc no ethical consumption under capitalism?

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Real talk: speaking as someone who worked in the industry for a decade you're going to have to give up AAA games, movies, and most entertainment entirely if gross labor practices or shady business is a dealbreaker for you.

    Eitherway: if your own personally morals dictate you can't support the developers that is fine and you do you....but also don't make the mistake of believing that it equates to any sort of praxis. The idea that our personal choices within the market equate to some kind of agency for change is a liberal idea....and say what you will about how electoralism is useless but that camp has still gotten more accomplished then the overwhelming majority of boycott campaigns have.