• Blake [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Probably the worst joke I’ve ever written tbh but hope you enjoy:

    A poor software engineer cycled to a conference for open source devs, proudly wearing their Linux T-Shirt, and as they’re locking up their bike, an extremely expensive luxury car pulls up.

    To their surprise, out steps a 30-something man wearing expensive an expensive watch, designer shoes and slacks, but the exact same shirt.

    “Wow!”, said the poor developer, “You must be a great dev with some really popular projects to be able to afford all that! What’s your secret?”

    The wealthy developer smiled. “Dependency and resource management”, he answered simply.

    “Ah, are you involved with one of the packaging frameworks?”, asked the poor dev.

    “No, no, not like that”, laughed the wealthy man. “I make others depend on me, then I take their resources.”

      1 year ago

      You know? It isn't that bad! The punchline could be punchier, but I like it!

      • Blake [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Thanks! I took your feedback and tried to improve the punchline. I think it makes a little less sense because there’s not really any explanation of why this guy is at an open source conference but whatever! :D