Failed ideology
To anyone who thinks Trump is the only one who could fuck up the pandemic, I present Europe and it's "sensible leaders who believe in science" as exhibit A. None of these neoliberal ghouls give a shit about what scientist say, what doctors say, what nurses say, or what their people need, its 100% about corporations and the need to keep the economy "open".
And some of us, even here, will die. Socialism or barbarism, the choice is being made for us.
People are over it.
I think about this jre episode I listened to last year he talks about how soft times build soft people and you really see it when things get really rough
Than covid hits and that idiot starts bitching about masks and no comedy clubs. What a soft mfer.
The whole soft times soft men thing seems deeply reactionary, the guy who coined it some marine chud.
Adversity and the opportunity for problem solving creates a more durable psychology
The reason rightists repeat it so often is because they dream of the "good old days" that never existed when all men were hard, unlike now, where all men are soft and feminine
It so happens that 'hard times' are relative, and a hunter-gatherer virtuously dealing with a shitty winter with his close friends and family is dealing with a different 'hard time' than someone completely isolated and performing labor that they correctly identify as meaningless in an existence they cannot justify
See also how 'hard men' (in the rightist's minds, soldiers) come back to civilian life and cannot function, as if being in a perpetual hypervigilant state is anything but a drain on society
I think it sounds ok if you don't define "soft" in a reactionary way, but I'm guess that's exactly how marine chud guy defines it.
bUt wErE tEsTiNg MoRe
it is true, but it's still bad lol given that we don't know what this means for long term side effects
I hate this. Everyone is starting to travel and hang out again near me and is getting catty toward me when I’m the one who tries to enforce safety. Why are you booing me I’m right!!
Can't wait to see the US' second oscillation break all the scales and hit 750k new daily cases by December 1st...
Damn, China is now genociding poverty, deserts, and the corona virus
Get some dried beans and rice now.
Lockdowns will be coming in sane countries.
If they're not ready to do it now, they'll be forced to do it in a month
I don’t think anyone is ready for another lockdown
I dunno, even with the manufactured consent to reopen most people don't want to get COVID.
honestly, i don't understand what the fuck is happening. can an EU country close down its borders to other EU countries? because it's absolutely unbelievable to me that no country in europe, none of them, has done it right. like what the fuck?? just lock it down then test people when they show symptons and quarantine those coming in?? it's not rocket science?? for a rich ass country even??
it's not because they're just capitalists and shit, of course this gets in the way too, but occupied korea is capitalist and so is new zealand and they're doing ok, so...?? what gives?
All the countries that are doing OK were on the receiving end of SARS back in 2008 and they have facilities built to keep covid patients isolated where they can be treated. We have known this to be pretty much the only reliable way to sever transmission chains since fucking March, somehow though the message got diluted into WE NEED TO TEST A LOT I GUESS, and isolating became a matter of personal responsibility which is wrong and stupid.
I was travelling through Germany after the 2015 Paris attacks, and they absolutely stopped people and checked visas and turned people away. Schengen doesnt mean anything when they actually care and want to take action.
I dont know why the EU and US fucked this up so bad. Even a halfassed attempt in Canada seemed to work nevermind how well NZ and occupied Korea as you pointed out. Obviously austerity budgets just werent up to the task and they hoped to gamble on covid burning out before schools had to reopen (nevermind them not considering online only schools or just something alternative to just pack all the kids without social distance rules).
Australian states went full Madagascar despite the screaming of the Federal Government and it's gone fairly well (except in the 'progressive' state that wants to privatise everything)
yea schengen countries can turn their border control back on but its for temporary emergencies like terrorism or covid. i think sweden, denmark, finland have borders now and maybe some other places
damn. if the spring was any indication, america will blow that out of the water in about 4-6 weeks
We're going to heat peak infection rates by inauguration. Biden/Harris will impose a heavy lockdown in the spring after the peak already passes so they can look responsible while letting businesses rule. Lots of people will go unemployed and lose savings and housing. The lockdown will be lifted in the summer as rates plummet and vaccines start coming online, but the media will keep debating whether Biden "listened to alarmist leftists" by imposing the lockdown, that he hurt the economy because he wasn't centrist enough - which is why the economy is in such a shit state, you see. Come 2022 midterms, working people will be angry with Biden for this, leftists will be appalled at being ignored - hey, presto, it's 2010 all over again, the Neo Tea Party will win the House and Senate on the slogan of "Open Economy", and once again the Republicans will be in charge while the liberals will have their brunch with a President who blows sunshine up their ass making it all seem okay.
That Asian curve is entirely driven by India too. Most of Asia is having rave parties, because any extant Covid can be traced and contained.
Well, India has about 25% of Asia's population... and India is not the only one with significant Covid outbreaks in Asia. The Middle East is about as bad as Europe on a per capita basis, and massive countries like the Philippines and Indonesia have sizeable outbreaks too. It's really East Asia + Indochina + Thailand + Malaysia + Sri Lanka that are essentially disease-free.
No one is fucked as badly as Western Europe and the New World though - and it's not just the US, sadly. Source
Some countries are driving this spike while others are doing okay i think?