Does anyone else hate pretty much everyone else in your job field? I'm back in school now but in the year I was working at a full time job, basically every other engineer was a chud who absolutely refused to consider other people and were only doing engineering because they got paid a lot. I know it's good to get to know everyone you work with and build solidarity but it's basically impossible when they're all so insufferable.

How do all of you deal with it?

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So there's the professional aspect: the line of work I'm in is full of chuds and bootlickers, so that never sits with me well. But then there's just the social schism that can never be bridged: I didn't go to college and I don't have letters after my name. I don't have the typical upper middle class upbringing. Most of my scars and bumps are from bad shit going down versus an old football injury or whatever regular white people experience. When I talk at work about my upbringing, most people look shocked. When people see my ink (which is very rarely) they look physically repulsed.

    To make matters worse: since I'm not from this part of the country, I don't have an established support circle to lean on socially. I basically have no friends. Half of my friends are dead anyhow.

    Anyhow. I feel your pain.