Just finished the Expanse, it was pretty okay, idk some of it was too predictable but it was still entertaining enough to just watch it while shit posting.

Really my only preference is that it isn't just some AI written show with every predictable and unoriginal trope imaginable.

I don't watch much TV stuff at all, but due to a house fire we just had last week (everyone is okay) I no longer got my gaming rig so I got more free time to watch something in between work and my normal reading sessions.

Cheers, chapos ♥️

Edit: damn you all rule, thanks for all this, way more than I imagined

  • duderium [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Babylon Berlin is a cop show but has communist characters who occasionally act like heroes.

    If you haven’t seen it, DS9 is the best Trek by far and has a few leftwing episodes. I recommend watching the first episode, then skipping all the way to the third season. Someone will bite my head off for saying this, but that’s how I finally got hooked on the show.

    Someone here recently recommended F is for Family. Technically a historical show as it takes place in the ‘70s and definitely seems to have a lot of rage directed at American society.

    • asaharyev [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Babylon Berlin also pretty clearly shows the cops as bad much of the time.

      Like when they just open fire against the trade unionists and socialists on May Day.

      • duderium [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The main character Gerion also sucks and seems pretty empty. I watched the show for Lotte, who still unfortunately enables the awful Weimar system.

        • LeninsRage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The thing about Gereon is that he's deliberately written as a vaguely-conservative shithead who tries to be apolitical. They actually accentuated some aspects of his character to make him more of a shithead (his vaguely fratricidal cowardice, adultery, and jealousy) while mitigating other aspects (in the novels he is an unapologetic ladder-climber and office backstabber who fucking hates his co-workers, and also consciously manipulates Charlotte through seduction for his own gain). He's very much a call-back to classic self-destructive film noir protagonists, as well as the "Good German" demographic that easily bent to Nazi collaboration.

          • duderium [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I checked out one of the books because I liked the show so much but I just couldn’t get into it. He honestly sounds much more interesting there. In the show the guy is such a cipher. His brother’s wife was also incredibly annoying.

            • LeninsRage [he/him]
              4 years ago

              The show adds a lot more elements compared to the books, especially in making Charlotte a more prominent and expanded character. The plotline with Gereon cucking his own brother is also something that was brought in by the show. Overall its more accurate to say the show in loosely based on them.

              The books are pretty straightforward noir mysteries in a fun setting, so if that genre doesn't already appeal to you you probably won't care for them. Theres eight total, with only five published in English so far, I thought the second one was the best.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Haven't heard of Babylon Berlin but that sounds cool. DS9 is one of the few series I've actually watched, it is great, it's so binge worthy too which I like doing when they got time. I'll have to check out F is For Family, thanks for this