joe biden or donald trump? who would you pick? if you had to measure both men on a scale and determine which one is the lesser evil, who is it?

the answer is, dont engage with this kind of question. both men are unambiguously bad and we shouldnt argue further as to which one you should not vote for, neither one is deserving of a vote, not voting is always an option.

hypothetical questions like this that force you to choose between two bad options, they are actually bad discussions, like you should make a conscious effort to avoid these would you rather questions and try not to ask them.

comrades, especially our fediverse comrades, consider such kind of thoughts haram, do not be making false equivalencies. we do not believe in morality, we do not believe in good and evil, we are communists and our beliefs are derived from theory, nearly everything has a precedence.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Holy shit, how many decades of that horse-faced pony show do you need before you realize that's not how this works? You know what happens if the Blue Sex Offender beats the Red Sex Offender this time? Do you think it's "putting out the dumpster fire"? No! There will be a new Unique Evil, a new "wildfire," and the moderates will say that we yet again must wait and bend to their will to have another feckless sex offender who is the correct brand and that will somehow make things better even as he makes permanent all of the already-disgusting but nominally-temporary measures from the Red Sex Offender who preceded him.

    People have literally been making the argument you just made since the 1970s at least. They've been making it the entire time, and the time to go from "reducing" harm to "ending" harm or -- God forbid -- making actual progress never came because we still have morons saying the same thing a half century later!