Not sure if this is just ingrained "American Dream" mentality but I want to get away from landlords and buy my own house. Partly this is so I can have my own space to work on my own projects, be messy, grow weed, walk around naked, etc. Lately this is looking like a real possibility since I've paid off my college debt and started saving money for a down payment. I'm also expecting house prices to fall in the next year as the economy implodes.

Despite all that, housing is still really expensive where I live and I probably wouldn't be able to afford a house without a partner or a roommate paying part of the mortgage. My romantic prospects aren't looking too good and I really don't want to be a landlord. And I don't know how I would feel buying a foreclosure. Not to mention I'd be locked into a 30 year mortgage that won't be paid off until after climate change has forced us all to migrate to Nunavut.

Tell me chapos, what's the moral thing to do here? Should I keep renting? Buy a house and try to be an "ethical" landlord? Move in with the next woman I meet after the 2nd date? Go join a commune/cult?

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    How is landlording any less ethical than directly exploiting the surplus labor of workers? And does it really matter if you do revolutionary praxis or use your class position to finance revolutionary activities? This is all hypothetical for me anyway, I don't own shit and probably won't ever anyway lol.

    • asaharyev [he/him]
      4 years ago

      In your hypothetical situation, you’d be OK with evicting someone if they couldn’t meet their rent payments?

      This right here. There's a material difference that's pretty obvious.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        In your hypothetical situation of owning a bar, would you be okay with laying off an employee if sales were down?