Not sure if this is just ingrained "American Dream" mentality but I want to get away from landlords and buy my own house. Partly this is so I can have my own space to work on my own projects, be messy, grow weed, walk around naked, etc. Lately this is looking like a real possibility since I've paid off my college debt and started saving money for a down payment. I'm also expecting house prices to fall in the next year as the economy implodes.

Despite all that, housing is still really expensive where I live and I probably wouldn't be able to afford a house without a partner or a roommate paying part of the mortgage. My romantic prospects aren't looking too good and I really don't want to be a landlord. And I don't know how I would feel buying a foreclosure. Not to mention I'd be locked into a 30 year mortgage that won't be paid off until after climate change has forced us all to migrate to Nunavut.

Tell me chapos, what's the moral thing to do here? Should I keep renting? Buy a house and try to be an "ethical" landlord? Move in with the next woman I meet after the 2nd date? Go join a commune/cult?

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I guess I used that as an extreme example of the distinction between ones social relation to production vs ones commitment to revolution. In the west we are especially inundated with liberal hegemony and thus tend to think of things in terms of our own personal choices. That's why we have so many people that think being vegan or refusing to drive or working at a co-op is revolutionary praxis. I really fucking hate the term "be the change you want to see in the world" because it encapsulates this ethos. You need to MAKE the changes you want to see in the world through actual praxis, as in action guided by revolutionary theory, not just doing "good" things.

    Tbh I'm being a bit controversial on purpose because I hate moralizing and have been in a precarious enough position that I've done unethical things to keep myself from being on the streets. I've said before on this site that drug dealing is counterrevolutionary and people were mad at me but when someone asks if it's cool to rent out extra rooms in their home people say they'd be reactionary unless they gave the tenants a stake in equity. Coming from the heroin capital of America and having experience as a drug addict myself, I can't help but laugh and assume that the vast majority of people on here are somewhat downwardly mobile suburban white folks with zero connection to the revolutionary struggle. I legitimately think this is understandable though, as it's reflective of the society we live in, and I think many people here really do want to change the world, they just need to break free from liberal idealism

    • rolly6cast [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      None of the individualist changes are good without revolutionary praxis, but there's quite a bit of difference from connection to the revolutionary struggle, and your initial point of it being easier to be revolutionary in an effective manner with income, and seeking out to position yourself financially in a way that your own interests would be harmed so heavily by revolutionary action. A large part of current organizing is tenant organizing for incoming eviction waves and a less large part is homeless assistance in some cases for those that have lost their homes, and having more people be landlords be also leftists can potentially hamper effectiveness there. The desire to be economically secure and never have to be in that situation again is still understandable, and it's similar to an extended version of the poor people joining the military aspect.

      Class traitors are good.

    • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      somewhat downwardly mobile suburban white folks

      Yeah, you got me there. And I'd wager you're right about most of the users here being in the same position.

      I kinda missed your overall point before, my apologies for zeroing in on that one piece. I hadn't really considered before how the Western Individualistic mindset poisons discussion among even strong leftists. You've given me a lot to think about.