Tell us what you are currently reading, or what's on your reading list!

    1 year ago

    Finished Quiet by Susan Cain, finally - shared this as my read here some time ago. As a textbook introvert it wasn't exactly an easy read, emotionally, for me - so often had to put the book down to deal with all the emotions, to process the catharsis or to grieve for what past-me had to go through. But ultimately it was quite a positive read, though I wouldn't say that I agree with everything in the book - especially speaking from a professional perspective, personally I did find a lot of affirmation and validation from the book. I mean, just this morning I declined an invitation to a dinner party with just a slight hint of guilt, haha!

    Reading something of an entirely different feel currently - had to go for something 'light' after the previous read. The Man Who was Saturday, a biography of Airey Neave.

    1 year ago

    Christian Cameron’s latest book in his Long War series just came out, so I’m doing a reread of the previous books to get up to speed. Currently on “Rage of Ares”, which will cover the Battle of Plataea. Also, just finished L.E.Modesitt Jr’s latest book, Contrarian, and as always, I wish the next one is already out. And one can never read Modesitt’s novels without getting hungry…no of any other fantasy author who goes into detail what’s in each meal. He obviously cooks too, and I wonder if he would release recipes of what he describes.