No, I am serious about this. I wish to get back into the learning of reading, but as a beginner I am repelled by the intense use of vocabulary, literary devices of classical literature books or intense and difficult-to-follow storyline of modern day fiction. I want to read a book that is clearly made with people like me in mind.

I'm not saying I want 10 second short paragraphs or extremely racist or bigoted comments to fuel my interest in reading the book. Though I rarely use social media, I do quite often look at memes, and they make me feel at home with how they are relatable and make use of clever wordings and phrases to express that one particular feeling. Same thing is seen in comments of meme forums where people come up with things to add to the humor of the original post or make it even better. I feel like this kind of expression could very well be possible to implement in a book in a textual medium while retaining the same amount of engagement and creativity.

I know my request may seem unnecessary, that I should quit bickering and just pick up a book and start reading it, and in reality I could by lending one from my family, however I wish to give this approach a chance as I am sure this situation must be faced by other people and someone could have a written a book to directly address these kind of people. I need a stepping stone to start my habit of reading books and I feel like starting from something I am already familiar with would greatly assist me.

I am not interested in any particular genre as of now apart from what I have expressed in the post so far. I could even go as far as to read an encyclopedia or an academic paper if the humor is engaging enough.

I feel that this topic of discussion is general, subjective and of help to others on the internet, which is why I decided to post it here instead of the dedicated books community.

    1 year ago

    "repelled by the intense use of vocabulary"

    "this kind of expression could very well be possible to implement in a book in a textual medium while retaining the same amount of engagement and creativity."


    1 year ago

    Terry Pratchett.

    The Discworld books can wrap a particle physics pun in a fart joke. The cheeky cleverness that Patchett writes with, along with the keen eye for making fun of the absurdity of human existence, could be right up your alley. Start with "Guards, Guards!", or whichever one you spot on your local second hand bookstore- they are pretty much all able to be read standalone.

    Seriously. Pratchett will scratch your itch.

    1 year ago

    It's only technically a book, but I'm still going to recommend Homestuck. It's one of the most "made for the internet" stories out there when that's what you're looking for. is recommended since flash died.

    1 year ago

    I don't know where you live but the Brooklyn public library has a free service where you can ask something like this, and a human librarian will try to find books for you:

    1 year ago

    I haven’t read them myself, but I understand that “Gideon the Ninth” and its sequels are heavy on meme humor. Some reviewers love them for that, others hate them for that, but they all seem to agree that it’s there.

      1 year ago

      It definitely feels unique among the books I've read, yeah. I liked it once I understood that it was supposed to be anachronistic and fun to read.

      The hardest part about reading Gideon the Ninth for me was keeping track of all the settings (different room layouts, a big castle with winding hallways, etc.) and people (basically Hunger Games--style; 2 people from each of 9 sections of a nation). Maybe it would be more helpful for OP to start with something easier for these reasons.

  • U de
    1 year ago

    Emoji Dick is a crowd sourced and crowd funded translation of Herman Melville's Moby Dick into Japanese emoticons called emoji.

    1 year ago

    Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Handbook. Other people have heard of this right?

      1 year ago

      I haven't read the book, but their very informative website is where I learned that the purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill everyone.

    1 year ago

    David Thorne's website and books are great fun.

    I have several of his books and when my partner and I go on holiday, I pack one for him as he doesn't read -ever- but said these don't feel like reading.