Everyone else always seem to have a lot of cool stuff on their machine and browser that I don't, so please share your cool stuff with me!
- shyamalamadingdong [he/him]·5 years ago
- ClearURLs: Removes tracking shit from URLs.
- Google Search Link Fix: If you're lib enough to use Google as your main search engine, or unfortunately have to default to it for local searches like the rest of us, this is a must. It renders search results as the actual links instead of Google's internal tracking links that redirect to them after basically logging your visit if not more.
- HTTPS Everywhere/Smart HTTPS/HTTPZ: Upgrades requests to HTTPS where possible, with the option of blocking HTTP outright as well.
- Privacy Redirect: Redirects Twitter, Insta, YouTube, and Google Maps to privacy-respecting alternatives that are often faster and better.
- uBlock Origin in medium mode + JavaScript off by default/uMatrix with 1st party scripts off by default for global scope/NoScript.