Catch wrestling went through a large decline in part because matches were too long and came to a draw causing boredom amongst the audience and said audience didn't know anything about grappling so they didn't know what they were looking at (something that you see in mma today when the crowd of mullet mouthbreathers start booing when the fight goes to long on the ground). This caused two things to happen, rules were added in order to shorten matches and make it into a spectator sport and hooking was removed due to safety concerns giving rise to Collegiate and Olympic wrestling. Others decided to up the carny aspect of wrestling and added fake feuds, crowd plants, outrageous slams and general fuckery to keep unwashed masses entertained creating "Professional" wrestling.
How ever due to the rise of mma and a select few old school Hookers (Billy Robinson, Karl Gotch, Josh Barnett, Erick Paulson, Various Russian and Japanese wrestlers) Catch has had a resurgence as of late. Here we see a modern catch wrestling championship being held in a ring just like the days of old. Lots of sweat for any of you horny beasts who just want to see mean embrace each other vigorously.
Makes me wish catch was as available as BJJ