She has literally never looked worse in her entire career as she has in the past 3-6 months with her open disregard of regular americans lives during the pandemic. Every day she does some psycho demented interview.

The leaders of the democratic party are making it clear they want people to suffer, but why?

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    She's fucking 604 years old. She's old and has no patience because that's what happens when you get old. So she can't handle any real question. She's old and can't hear/see well. Her face has been stretched back over her skull and she applies some kind of baby foreskin cream too. So it looks like she has clearcoat on her face. I'm pretty sure she's wearing a wig because her hair fell out. She went to that salon to get her wig styled. She hasn't known what was going on in America since the 80s. And even then she was a wealthy socialite from CA. They don't care. They will stay in office as long as they want because they like the power and it keeps them wealthy.