She has literally never looked worse in her entire career as she has in the past 3-6 months with her open disregard of regular americans lives during the pandemic. Every day she does some psycho demented interview.

The leaders of the democratic party are making it clear they want people to suffer, but why?

  • Zodiark [he/him]
    4 years ago

    She is a terrible person, and while all of these posts ring true, she is but a spokesman for the party and the donor base.

    Why are they like this? Well, it could be a number of things: social discipline of activists, disorientation and commitment to political paralysis, ideological commitment to neoliberal austerity policies, or genuine contempt for the public. All of which masks the goals of the ruling class of society, which is just brazen and naked kleptocracy for their own caste.

    Giving aid to the public legitimizes the government's role in providing concrete and non-byzantine material support to the public, and that upsets the balance of power; desperate people don't have the time, attention, or physical strength to engage in politics (which is why politics is, as the Chapo hosts have said, a bourgeois affectation and sport rather than civic engagement) and challenge power so that the public remains alienated from power and indentured to learned helplessness. Which is the point.

    Pelosi said it to that college student: We're capitalists, and that's just the way it is.

    Meaning, that the game is to maintain this kleptocracy - kick the can down the road as it were - and suppress labor and the left from organizing a revolt of the masses as long as possible.

    This sort of oppression and depraved indifference to the suffering of their own citizens is borne out of a fear of the unknown, a fear in change of social systems. A fear of cynical self-interest; their privileges abolished ; a fear of social calamity ; decades of propaganda teaching them if the dreaded socialism supplants them, it'd create plagues and mass death even worse than the current order.

    Ruling classes are path dependent and can rarely change course unless the greater society changes the very tracks, the very course, and replaces the conductor of which their path is dependent on.

    It is akin to an addiction that can only be overcome with intervention. There just isn't a sober FDR to do it for them now, so looks like Americans are stuck with them for the ride.