I'm 90 minutes in (the game is 4 hours long for reference), and I can't believe I got conned into buying this game. It's just a walking simulator without the events that make a walking simulator somewhat enjoyable. The platformer elements are tedious and the 2.5 D style isn't straightforward. There is no broader story than "bring back color", which I could forgive if it just didn't serve as a platform to show-off water color bullshit.

I might finish it, but I haven't noticed a single minute of enjoyable gameplay throughout this whole playthrough. In a rare moment, I think IGN was right to rate this game poorly, although I think they should have rated it worse.

  • DonCheadleInTheWH [any]
    4 years ago

    Normally those are automatic purchases for me, but I hesitated last second and decided to watch a Let's Play. I fell asleep. It was pretty, but I figured I got the gris gist of it.