It makes sense that they won't allow their own skin to be ravaged (United States, Britain, Germany, France etc), but why not the Baltics and Poland, at this point?

I'm surprised they haven't done so, after these long months

    1 year ago

    I mean, we could say the same of the Korean War, but that didn't stop the U.S from bombing the hell out of the DPRK...

      1 year ago

      drpk tested it's first nuke in the 2000's, the us invaded in the 50's thinking it would be a easy campaign since the country was recovering from japanese occupation, the general heading the campaign even fucking asked to deploy nukes on drpk

        1 year ago

        Even then, Socialist Russia and China were developing nukes that they could theoretically use on stand-by to counter U.S, not to say that they had necessarily planned for that all...