I’m sick and came to the doctor to get tested for covid, strep, and flu, since those are going around my work. I asked the doctor if I could get paxlovid if the covid test was positive, and he goes “Oh I don’t think you’d need it”

Motherfucker almost everyone who catches covid should be fucking taking it wtf is wrong with you. Oh I’m young and otherwise healthy? Yeah and I’d like to fucking stay that way thank you very much, and I’ll take any reduction in the chance of becoming permanently disabled.

Also of the medical professionals I saw today, they were only wearing surgical masks, not N95s and I can’t comprehend it. Why in the hell would you go into the room of a likely covid case not wearing an N95 are you insane?

I’m so fucking sick of being the only person in this entire town that’s actually worried about catching this disease, even the fucking doctors don’t care anymore. I work in a research facility attached to a hospital and when I go to the food court and shit at best like 1/25 people are wearing masks. In a hospital.

Thank you Mr Joe Brandon for ending the pandemic, you’ve truly cemented your place among history’s greatest killers.

covid-cool biden-harbinger covid-cool

  • RustyVenture [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Strep, flu, shingles, RSV, pneumonia, fungal infections.

    Pure coincidence. That's a result of our collective immunity debt sweaty maybe-later-honey

    But yea. It's frightening how easy it was to manipulate people into this position and how powerful peer pressure can be. I can sometimes see the gears turning when bringing up how the pandemic didn't end, we just decided to play dumb to all its effects, but it doesn't translate into any meaningful response. My housemate works at a hoity-toity private school and despite going back to in-person classes in the fall of 2020, they were actually adhering to some standards like testing, universal masking, and indoor air purifiers for a lot longer than the public schools did. It wasn't until last September when the school "followed the science" and regressed to mask-optional as the only mitigation. After we both caught it at the beginning of this year they basically gave up caring 100%, and it's been absolutely exhausting raising any concerns about it to them or most of my friends, save for one whose partner has MS. I started a new job that went hybrid about two months into me starting (they were so proud of how much they innovated going full remote when I interviewed, too) and I'm surrounded by parents of young, school-age kids. I'm one of maybe three people who mask at the office. I'm thinking how it's just a matter of time before someone brings it home again, and our last box of tests is about to expire. deeper-sadness

    Pro-tip: long bouts of depression induced by this shit isn't much better for one's health down the road, either. There are exactly zero upsides to the "Infinite Covid" strategy.

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      1 year ago

      Pro-tip: long bouts of depression induced by this shit isn't much better for one's health down the road, either. There are exactly zero upsides to the "Infinite Covid" strategy.

      Don't forget all the friendly gaslighting. That's super helpful too! doomer lol. Good luck with it all! meow-hug

      • RustyVenture [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Thank you! heart-sickle I'm thankful to at least have this place both for its awesome community and this comm for keeping it real about Covid.