the US Radlibs that infest the US demsoc/socdem left are literally worst than the 20th century opportunists like Kautsky, they only live to stall actual progress for the american workers only so their side can win like its a fucking game, they dont actually care about anyone but themselfs.

Radlibs will be the death of the US left unless purged from the movement

    • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      her student debt policy was one of the biggest electoral memes in the sub, they were however over shadow by pete the rat and snake warren

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think I joined after that. You wouldn't believe it but at the end of 2019 I thought that Warren was better because "Bernie was too radical". Material conditions and the left pipeline can do a lot for a mf.

          • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I mean SJWs still exist, but now we call them radlibs. Bardfinn is a perfect example. She is antifascist which is cool and good but her moderation policy is, well, see for yourself:

              • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                4 years ago

                um excuse me but in regards to my point you didn't critique, you GISH GALLOPED. And that was after you Poisoned the Well.

                You neither know, nor care, about the truth.

                  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    I’ve asked you


                    Extremely clear questions.





                    WERE YOU TRYING TO CALL ME A LIAR?

                    These are questions I asked YOU.

                    You can answer them – or not.

                    And you can participate here.

                    Or not.

                    The moderation team of is the moderation team of

                    YOU are NOT on it.

                    Before 35 minutes ago, you’d never participated in our community.

                    How we run our community is our business, and the business of the people who participate here in good faith.

                    We don’t allow disrespect; We don’t allow verbal or emotional abuse; We don’t allow people to brigade our community and post off-topic posts and metadrama.

                    What YOU think you know about our moderation team is informed solely by third-hand hearsay and screenshots released by someone abusing their position, edited and therefore cherry picked to support a narrative.

                    That narrative is abusive.

                    It will not be allowed.

                    No one will be allowed to come here and back-seat run our community, or light torches and brandish pitchforks.

                    So now,

                    THREE Questions:

                    The first two still must be answered,



                  • garbology [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    If you're up against a debate nerd powerful enough to use "Poisoned the Well" instead of a mere "Ad hominem", well, best be on your guard.

                      • Pezevenk [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        Yes but it you do that you won't get a response as beautiful as this:

                        No, thanks. I wasn’t here to make an argument. I was here to challenge people to think critically.

                        No one – not your friends, not the general public here – did so.

                        You’re the only one that said “Hey wait a minute” and applied the first, elementary steps of rhetorical analysis to the discussion here.

                        Everyone else was just arguing a side for imaginary brownies.

                        You, at least, have the potential to do it right. You have the education and the willingness to speak the truth.

                        Don’t let overtures of friendship blind you from reasoning to the truth.

                        Good luck.

                  • Pezevenk [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    I wrote a lengthy treatise on logical fallacies 20 years ago.

                    Here's the problem: Nothing here has risen even to the level of "debate". I'm not here "debating" anything with you, because you keep slapping yourself in the rhetorical face and/or testicles. You're failing to achieve lift-off. This is a non-starter.

                    What I'm saying here is that you're incapable of debate, and incapable of accepting or understanding actual criticism, and think that poisoning the well, strawmen, and ad hominems are standins for meaningful discussion.

                    This is not a debate. This is scorn.

            • Rem [she/her]
              4 years ago

              TWO QUESTIONS

              I do kind of love her caffeine pill mom energy, don't tell anyone

        • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
          4 years ago

          dont worry about what you were, i was a both sides pro-putin centrist as a teen, we become better with time