I'm hoping this doesn't start a fight, I'm just curious what the political orientation is of this community. I grew up in a liberal (in the American sense) family, and I identify now as a socialist, though a lot of the liberalism I grew up in has stuck with me, like interest in LGBTQ and women's rights, environmentalism, etc. Wondering where people here land?
I think a key place where we are disagreeing is in the nature of Welsh identity. I don't view it as a national identity but rather a cultural one. Even once all states have been dissolved, Welsh identity will likely persist through our language and traditions.
Well isnt Welsh a nationality as well?
Yes, but the cultural identity will outlive the national one when the state dissolves, it has millenniums of cultural inertia behind it after all. I don't forsee any future anti-capitalists getting in the way of, for example, Eisteddfod gatherings or couples exchanging love spoons.
I guess I should ask why do you think the state will dissolve?
If an anarchist revolution is successful, the dissolution of the state is inevitable.
If a socialist revolution is successful then the eventual dissolution of the state will likely occur in a framework such as Engels' "withering away of the state".
Since capitalism cannot sustain itself indefinitely, it is likely that one of these two revolutions will occur (or there will be a backslide into fascism).
Is there an anarchist model you cite as an example?
Pëtr Kropotkin wrote a lot about possible organisation of anarchist society after the revolution, at this point it's a meme to recommend reading "the bread book" The Conquest of Bread and I don't personally recommend starting with it and instead beginning with a pamphlet like Anarchism and Revolution.
The ZAD de Notres-Dame-des-Landes, is a good example of a long running commune that has managed to withstand assault from an external state. But the kinds of large scale anarchism that will do away with the state in its entirety has not yet been attempted.
I'm surprised you didn't cite Catalonia or Zapatistas or Anarchist Ukraine? Guess you don't like those?
I've got nothing against any of them, I just wanted to mention one that's a bit less well known.