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disagree- get out of that insane greyed out opening and ignore the hamfisted Maul cameo and it's a fun crime flick with a great villain
It also contains the most compelling argument against it I have ever heard, when the very stupid main character tries to explain it at the end
J&E are the best filmmakers in the game
The "get back to work" line was a compelling argument? I thought the joke was just that none of the writers actually understood communism and by proxy, he didn't learn anything useful from them
More I see it as poking fun at the knowability of anything. In Coen bro movies the people who think they know the most often know the least. "They found the solution to everything, I mean everything: politics, economics, sociology, morality. Its all written down in this book called 'Kapital'. That's right, Kapital, with a K." He doesn't say things that are wrong about the studio, and nor did the writers really get anything hugely wrong in their reading group (more of a arguing group), but the Coens find humor in the idea that they and he view the world as a solved system. Then, this perfect system for explaining the world crumbles in the face of Manx's rather simpler capitalist system: don't badmouth the person who pays your checks or I will hit you in the face.
I don't know, the whole bit with the submarine and Channing Tatum bring a spy the whole time felt like the real story. Like we just got a tiny sliver of whatever the fuck was happening there.
The entire plot of the movie is nothing. Which is pretty on par for Coen Bros. The kidnapping was pointless, The reading group got arrested immediately, capitalism persists, the difference between defense contractors and movie studio execs is a much finer line than you'd expect. Kinda has some Disco Elysium, but if you were a dumb actor instead of a depressed cop.
"What did we learn? Not to do it again I suppose. Though fuck if I know what we actually did."