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virgin chud riot: broke (read: invited in by police) into the capitol and stood around with their dick in their hand for hours without doing anything and still lost 4 people
how is this even a contest lmao, fuck outta here.
Energy so powerful you can't deny it.
liberal 1: *watching the burning * woah.. thats kinda based ngl.
liberal 2: wait what?
liberal 1: i'm sorry... i dont know why I said that.
liberal 2: the police is an important institution in our democracy!
liberal 1: no, no ... i.. i know its just.. * looking back to the news, fires reflecting in their eyes* ... kinda rad tho...
Just watching them break into the police station, seeing the police run away afraid, and then see it burn down while they were lighting fireworks off was the coolest fucking moment of my life. It is what I imagine it was like watching people land on the moon.
accurate af. that's the most hype I'd been for anything in ages. really made me feel like we could actually accomplish something if we worked together. It's honestly the only thing that keeps me from being completely doomer mode.
Tired: Walking through a tear gas cyclone because you wanted to touch a fence to fuck the some cops
Wired: Tasering yourself
Inspired: Getting spooked by a flashbang and dying of a heart attack
Getting spooked by a flashbang and dying of a heart attack
You literally get more resistance in any BLM protest in any midsized town.
Chuds couldn't even get their moltovs out of the cooler.
Cops literally had to let them in to the Capitol.
Zero FBI, National Guard, or SWAT in their way.
Still got routed within hours.
To any chuds reading this:
You had Nancy pelosi’s fucking laptop available to you UNLOCKED and you walked out of the capitol with... DRUMROLL
A podium
Brain so smooth it’s looking like a skinless chicken breast lol
Hey man he's going to pass that podium on to his grandchildren, meanwhile that laptop is obsolete in like three years tops. Playing the long game with a nicely varnished podium is never the wrong move.
I was recently thinking about how remarkably short the whole "End of History" period was, how little time it took for capitalism and the US to look like it had finally won the world in totality with to meaningful challenge to come, to the '08 recession showing cracks in the armor, to Trump and COVID and the shit we're seeing now making it look like a total mess. It's sort of heartening to consider the possibilities, I guess.
Really highlights the shortsightedness of neoliberals. They got full control and couldn’t even make it work a couple decades lol
End Of History was always just Libs dabbing to celebrate the collapse of the USSR, without a second thought to what happens afterwards.
They spent the next decade writing post mortems of the Soviet State while the same rot was crawling up their own spines.
People burned down a fucking police precinct. Imagine thinking walking around the Capitol then leaving is anywhere near that level.
I don't know or particularly care what this is referring to but a lot of cis men have wombs too, they just don't have eggs so the organ just kind of sits there and does nothing
you probably needn't bother I'm pretty sure they're using bots because they're spamming the same thing to 10s of comments in under a minute.
ah. earlier today they were just replying to literally every comment in the threads I was in so I figured they were just setting and forgetting.
that's funny well godspeed then o7
Hang on is there seriously a transphobic spam bot on this site?
How pathetic do you have to be to troll a tiny podcast spinoff site in such an uncreative, low energy way? What a fucking loser LMAO
transphobes like to bring up biology 101 cause they failed everything after that
I majored in biology and find transphobic shit hilariously stupid. Imagine being that wrong and thinking you're being scientifically objective:che-smile:
“We would have solicialism already if the blacks would stop agitating pushing for freedom!” Or something
I mean, say what you will about the tenants of Confederate Americanism, but at least it's an ethos.
These men are nihilists, Donny. They stand for nothing.
it could have been amazing if they weren't such absolute failures at everything.
Like one guy took mail? WTF dude. lame shit. LAME SHIT.
Did they even light any fires?
Burn an American flag in the Senate chamber?
Shit in the candy desk?
They didn't even like, read a speech or something. WTF.
I'd learn Russian to read Lenin from Pence's spot.
Hold a mock trial for the republic and condemn it to death. Anything guys.
That said, they did brain a cop with a fire extinguisher (when it was probably totally unnecessary) and 4 of them died. So some good stuff. Full credit, some good stuff.
Shit in the candy desk?
I can't believe we got all this clown fascism and they won't even do the funniest thing
Is there an official candy desk? Is it Reagan-style with loose jellybeans or are our tax dollars going towards some king sized bad boys?
(at present) Just Born, Josh Early Candies, 3 Musketeers and The Hershey Company products.
Because of course there's a wikipedia entry for it
What the hell is Just Born?
3 Musketeers is the most lib of all candy bars so it makes a lot of sense.
Man I can't resist a handful of candy but it all looks like what was left of your halloween candy after everything good had been eaten
agreed. I hate to make generalizations about people but man every time someone has brought up that they like cumtown it usually isn't too long til I see them acting like an asshole about something. either way, fuck these clowns raiding in particular.
Will just made them Christmas dinner and stayed the night with them over Christmas. And he recorded an ep with them around then too.
Wow holy shit. One guy that introduced me to communism hung out with some other leftist that I don't have a good feeling about. They don't meet my standard of leftism, so I think we should all stay away from them. They're problematic.
I think they should go to jail for doing their problematic podcast tbh. You know how us sjws are, clutching pearls over every little thing. But it's okay as soon as we're in power we can punish the people who don't meet our standards of leftism, which is totally what I'm advocating here.
trans rights!
sorry to my trans comrades that these miserable idiots are trying to make their negativity your problem.
I love you :trans-heart:
and also a really vague reference to an out of date disease, hysteria AKA wandering womb. My dunks are so vague that not even I understand them. I'm just that fucking cool.
Uh Nick Mullen is gonna be lead the vanguard pls don't call him dum
Everyone knows it's going to be Adam, doing the High High Hopes dance.
You're literally the ones who keep coming here :che-smile:
First of all I'm a cis man. Second of all, stop spamming this thread. Third and most importantly, TRANS RIGHTS.
Post hog, apologize, or get the fuck out.
Every time I see this lil guy, for a second it looks like a cat with an enormous grin, pink lips, and half-moon glasses.