DornerBros [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2020

  • DornerBros [he/him]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I never denied your experiences, I am merely stating that in my experience the transphobes are a small but vocal minority who are responsible for the vast majority of the toxicity

    I'm sorry we can't see eye to eye, I still sincerely hope you feel better

  • DornerBros [he/him]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I'm really sorry my post gave you that impression but I think that's an extremely unfair interpretation and the hostility is unwarranted. Transphobia exists on this site as it exists elsewhere, however I firmly believe that most posters here strongly support their trans comrades, as I do.

    You may not agree with my view of the situation but I do think we're on the same side, I certainly hope that steps are taken to make trans folk feel safer on this site

  • DornerBros [he/him]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Really don't appreciate you calling "Dengists" transphobes, it's a low blow and an unfounded claim. The reason there were no Dengists on r/CTH is because there were other very active chapo affiliated subreddits like r/moretankiechapo that also got banned. I never posted on or read r/CTH (or whatever leftypol is).

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel unwelcome here and I'm sorry to see you go. However I have to say that I've seen nothing but support for trans folk on here outside of a few highly vitriolic posters who get banned almost immediately. From what I can tell, the mods and the vast majority of users value trans comrades and support trans rights

  • DornerBros [he/him]tomainBased
    4 years ago

    Yup, depo provera is a possibility, it's at least plausible as opposed to a drug that doesn't exist.

    It is weird though that none of these women got any blood tests from their doctors, which would've immediately confirmed high levels of MPA in their blood. Of course this would've immediately killed the story because depo provera is a well known contraceptive that wears off after a few months and cannot be used to permanently sterilize someone

  • DornerBros [he/him]tomainBased
    4 years ago

    I know this is a bad faith troll but I'm going to make a quick response and explain why this is very shoddy propaganda, hopefully for someone else's benefit.

    Take this article that OP linked:

    The government ordered one Chinese-born Kazakh woman to get an IUD inserted after her third child, the AP said. She was later told to pay a $2,685 fine for having more than two children.

    That's the law for every Chinese citizen, regardless of ethnicity. The only thing that's changed is that the one child policy used to only apply to Han couples, now a less stringent version also applies to all Chinese citizens. If you have a third child you either get an IUD or pay a fine, that's the law. You're free to argue whether that's a good or humane policy but it's not some attempt to "purge the Muslim minority".

    It also makes this claim about forced sterilizations:

    Additionally, the AP said, citing several former detainees, that "women are subjected to forced IUDs and what appear to be pregnancy prevention shots."

    "Many felt dizzy, tired or ill, and women stopped getting their periods," the AP reported. "After being released and leaving China, some went to get medical check-ups and found they were sterile."

    This is ludicrously fake. As of 2021 there are no known methods of permanently sterilizing women through pharmacology or injections, the science simply does not exist. There are birth control shots, but the only widely used method of permanent sterilization is tube tying, a surgical procedure. The closest thing is a long course of HRT, which would have far more effects than dizziness or fatigue. It would also be easily detectable and none of these articles have even speculated as to how the sterilizations are performed, probably because it's completely fucking fake.

    People should discuss and share information on these issues but they should do so carefully and intelligently rather than posting extremely lazy propaganda they found in MSM or at the bottom of wikipedia pages.

  • DornerBros [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Hang on is there seriously a transphobic spam bot on this site?

    How pathetic do you have to be to troll a tiny podcast spinoff site in such an uncreative, low energy way? What a fucking loser LMAO


  • What do people think about Solar Radiation Management aka geoengineering via atmospheric aerosols?

    A lot of people I've talked to think it's a crazy dangerous Silicon Valley solution and a couple of climate scientists I spoke with think it might exacerbate ocean acidification and increase the risks of an anoxic event. It also runs the risk of torpedoing a plan to tackle the root causes of climate change as the public believes the problem is "solved".

    On the other hand it's a fairly realistic solution for the effects of climate change that halts and reverses warming feedback loops, avoids some of the most damaging aspects of climate change, and gives ecosystems a chance to recover. I think it's going to happen within 20 years whether we like it or not, once people realize this half-assed attempt at curtailing emissions isn't going anywhere.

  • DornerBros [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I was also very negative on the Great Firewall for a long time but I've come around to the belief that it's necessary, even if its benefits are completely unintentional.

    Even libs understand that fake news is a huge threat to democracy and social cohesion, if the media can't be trusted to report fairly on Bernie Sanders how can they be trusted to report fairly on Xi Jinping? How much worse would propaganda in the MSM get if the US thought there was a chance it was going to cause domestic unrest in China? If we challenge and critically approach the framework of free press as a conduit for unbiased information that selects for accuracy, then the Great Firewall might be the least bad alternative.

    Furthermore, Western tech companies have horrible privacy practices and literally collude with US intelligence services, even US allies like the EU are sick of their shit and are feuding with the US over data taxes. Nurturing Chinese tech companies and keeping the data of Chinese citizens out of the hands of US companies was a very, very prescient move (if intentional).

    I'm skeptical of the idea "the free market is bad, except when it comes to the press". I still have a lot of gripes with the Great Firewall as a concept and its implementation but I also don't know how to resolve those problems without emboldening the US's efforts at hybrid warfare.

  • I don't think capitalists are driven primarily by ideology, some of them might be but it's an inefficient strategy that contradicts the profit motive and faces selective pressure over the long run.

    I see it as more of a tragedy of the commons scenario, yes a lockdown is good for The Economy but every individual capitalist and business has a strong incentive to continue operating despite the lockdown. If the state doesn't present them with enough disincentives, why not flaunt the lockdown for a quick buck?

    The bourgeoisie are in many ways just as disorganized and in conflict with one another as the proletariat. Of course there are other factors as well, like the huge pressure created by quarterly financial reporting and the genuine ignorance of Western "experts", I think the sum of these material factors paint a more robust picture than a predominantly ideological explanation.

  • DornerBros [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    The cited statistic is very misleading, The Economist is cursed but this has a good explanation why 1000 RMB/month understates their income: