I've seen some of the hot takes going around that speak of how infantilized and impotent the attack on the capital was.

But i can't help but wonder: How does this reflect on protests from the left that have been happening the last few years? BLM protests, the protests in Chile and India? I know that BLM and anti capitalist protests are different in that they have actual demands and political organization. But i fear that the left might be acting in a similar performative outrage fueled by impotence. I also fear that for those in power, letting a few violent protests erupt is just another mechanism to control the narrative that all extremists are alike and the solution is to oppress them. They will let them into capitol, they will let them burn an Arbys and then they will just hike up the repressive tactics like it was all part of the government equation.

I hate to sound like a doomer but in the end it all sounds like controlled Larping. As long as the outraged ones play their role as the violent masses, the government will continue to play their role as protectors of the people from these insurrectionists. There is no ideology because the core capitalist machine is non ideological; it's just maintaining itself well greased and spinning.