So I've been doing bodyweight exercises semi-frequently for the past few months, and while I definitely feel stronger and can do way more reps of push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges than before, I feel like I look no different and I've only gained one pound. I want to have less scrawny looking arms and shoulders, and for my butt to not be a pancake for once in my life. Not sure if this is shallow, but it would help a lot with motivation if doing this shit that my body really doesn't enjoy doing actually left some visible impact.

I know these things take time, but I'm wondering if my approach is wrong. What's usually the best way to actually build visible muscle? Is it about how much weight you lift or what? I feel frustrated. Hope this doesn't count as doomposting, just saw that's against the rules, I'm just looking for tips and venting at the same time.

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A good rule of thumb is more weight = bigger muscles. For bodyweight exercises that means harder exercises. What you eat is also extremely important, you can't build muscle without eating more. A quick and easy way is GOMAD, gallon of milk a day, but that's not for everyone :D

    Also I am not a professional, this is is just what I have read and remember.

    • Rem [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Gallon of milk a day what the fuck Jesus christ what

      • anaesidemus [he/him]
        4 years ago

        that's what the brodudes do lol, they eat their regular meals and this. If you just eat more than you usually do you should be fine, just make sure you get what your muscles need, protein and stuff.

        • Fartbutt420 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I used to live with a guy who would wander around all day with a jug of milk in his hand. Which was fine, whatever, he was a bit eccentric anyways. The problem was he would never rinse and recycle them, and they would just pile up in his room...

          Then the dude would have the audacity to wonder why he couldn't seal the deal with girls in his milk-stank bedroom, and would just work out harder.

        • Rem [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I've been getting the eat more advice from everyone in the thread, I guess that's what I gotta try for now 😑

      • dgceo2 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        it's a bit of a meme, does work but a lot of people also get pretty fat doing it at the same time. If you're a scrawny woman you won't need to do something so drastic, simply an extra meal or slightly larger portion sizes will do