"The atom bombs didn't even really do as much damage as our non stop fire bombing campaigns did."

"The bombs had no affect. By the time we dropped the atom bombs we had already fire bombed 90% of the cities to dust."


fyi the first hour of this video is about how terror bombing is fucked and completely militarily useless

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Dan Carlin did a good podcast on the firebombing versus the atom bombs. He recalled stories of people getting pulled into heat vortexes or having all the air in themselves sucked out. He also told the story of a father and little daughter in a raid shelter and the daughter saying "daddy, are we dead yet". Carlin said as the father of two girls, that got to him and frankly if his choice was to go in nuke, or that, he'd pick the nuke.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Okay but just to clarify, the nukes were dropped for no reason at regarding military victory in japan, both are deplorable crimes resulting in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands for the imperial machine